Chapter 22

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"Daddy will be home soon!" I cooed to Teddy as I changed him and dressed him in the GEH onesie I'd had made for him. 'Mini Boss' it declared, printed above the GEH logo. Yes, I was horribly biased, but he looked freaking adorable!

"Annie? I'll be heading off, now," Ray announced as I made my way back to the great room carrying my son.

"You don't want to stay? I'm sure Christian would love to see you..." I suggested. It was just after lunchtime Sunday, so there was plenty of time before Daddy needed to leave to head back to Montesano.

Ray looked conflicted. "I would, but..."

"But you and Diane have plans?" I teased gently, knowing Dad was sensitive about his new relationship.

"We did plan to meet up before I went back if we could," Daddy admitted sheepishly.

"Go!" I grinned, giving him my blessing. I'd yet to meet Ray's new lady friend, but when he'd heard Christian would be gone for a week, Daddy took a week off work to come stay with me at Escala; spending his days with Teddy and me, and his evenings with his Seattle-based lady friend.

"I can stay and come with you to the airport if you want?" Daddy offered, sounding guilty.

"GO! You've spent far too much time this week with me and not Diane. Go visit her! Tell her I said hello, and I'd love to meet up with her soon."

"About that, Annie... I'd really like for you to meet her. She knows I have a daughter and a grandson, but she knows nothing about all this," he said, gesturing to Escala and our admittedly lavish lifestyle. "Maybe you could meet somewhere a bit more low key?"

"Whatever you think works. What about next weekend? The weekend after we have stuff to do at the new house, then the weekend after that we have Elliot and Kate's bachelor and bachelorette parties."

"Next weekend?" my father asked, looking embarrassed. "Isn't that a bit soon?"

"Well you said you've been seeing her a few months, now," I replied with a smirk.

"It's just that next weekend Diane was thinking of visiting Montesano and staying the weekend." Dad's bright red face was indication that Diane would not be staying at a hotel. There was no way I wanted to visit my childhood home if Daddy was entertaining a lady-friend, so I quickly came up with an alternative.

"Then what about a nice lunch out, then? Christian, Teddy and I could come down on Saturday or Sunday morning, meet Diane, then head back to Seattle afterward."

"Lunch could work," Dad said thoughtfully. "I've heard the Dockside Bistro in Olympia is pretty fancy, and it would save you coming all the way to Montesano?"

"That sounds great," I said with a grin. "Check with Diane and let me know."

"You're sure you're ok? Me dating Diane?"

"I'm happy for you, Daddy. You deserve to have someone special."

"Thanks, Annie. I don't know if it will turn into anything serious, but she's a nice lady and I enjoy spending time with her."


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