Chapter 65

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"Anastasia!?" I shouted, racing from the living room into the kitchen meals area where I found my beloved slumped on the floor, my mother beside her.

"I suspect she's just fainted," Mom said, carefully checking my wife over. "Christian, can you carry her into the downstairs guestroom? Cary – can you get my bag from the car?"

I scooped Ana up, taking her through to a guest room, carefully lying her down in the middle of the bed. Mom followed me in, Dad joining us a moment later with Mom's medical bag. A staple of my childhood usually situated beside the front door when my mother was home, I hated Mom needed it today for my wife.

"Dad? Can you keep everything under control out there?" I asked, too worried about Ana to make polite excuses. He nodded, going back out to smooth things over with our guests. Mom was checking on Ana as she started to come around.

"What happened?" Ana asked trying to sit up.

"You fainted, darling," Grace said smoothing the hair back from Ana's forehead. "Lie back and let me check you over."

"But the cooking! We're needed out there..."

"Nonsense," Grace replied brusquely. "Between them all, they can figure it out. Now let me take your blood pressure."

I sat on the edge of the bed as Anastasia had her blood pressure taken, after which Mom quizzed her on how she'd been feeling the last few days.

"I fear I'm coming down with what Teddy's had," Ana explained, going through all her symptoms.

"Has Teddy been interested in nursing?" Grace asked casually.

"Not really, but I guess that's because he's been unwell."

"Hmm..." Grace said with a funny look on her face. "So, you've been super tired, distracted and nauseous?"

"Yes," Ana replied.

"Vivid dreams?" Mom continued.

"Yes! How did you know!"

"And Teddy is less keen to nurse?" Mom asked with a sly grin.

"Yes. Oh my God! Do you think...?" Ana gasped.

"What?!" I demanded, staring between my mother and wife in confusion.

"Do you have what you need here?" Mom asked Ana, ignoring me altogether.

"Yes – in our bathroom upstairs."

"Well, I'll leave you to it," Mom said leaning over to kiss Ana before standing up and smiling at me. "Come back out when you're ready," she added before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

"Anastasia? What's going on?"

"Your Mom suspects I might be pregnant," she replied, smiling shyly at me.

"Another baby?!" I asked, a huge grin spreading across my face.

"Possibly? I have some tests upstairs. Did you want to test now, or wait a few days until our guests have left?"

"Now. RIGHT now," I demanded. "You stay here, baby – where are the tests?"

Once Ana told me, I raced upstairs taking them two at a time. Rummaging through the drawers in our bathroom, I found the tests where Ana said they'd be. Back downstairs, I went into the guest room, closing and locking the door behind me.

"I might not be," Ana said, with no conviction.

"Let's find out," I said, helping her up from the bed. We walked into the bathroom together, Ana sitting on the toilet, peeing into a cup provided in one of the tests.

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