Chapter 51

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"Welcome back, David and Aisling," Wendy said, greeting them at the door to our suite. She'd arrived about five minutes ago, and other than asking what else I hoped to learn, then me raising my idea for the end of the session, she'd kept conversation general. Showing my bio family back into the suite, they sat on the sofa they'd shared before.

"Yes. Thank you for coming back. If you feel anything like I do, I'm sure your heads are spinning right now. When I started the search for my biological mother, I never thought I'd find living relatives. Still, at least I'd recognized there was a possibility of finding out something. I appreciate this must be even more of a surprise to you both; I can't thank you enough for your willingness to answer my questions."

Peering primarily at my birth father, Aisling's response was the more telling. Her eyes swollen and red, she wouldn't meet my eyes. She'd obviously been crying. This time David sat closer to her and held her hand. It was clear he was giving her his support and not the other way around. Now I'd focused, I recognized my half-sister was struggling, and glancing at Wendy I noticed she'd also picked up on that.

"Since this is a day about getting to know each other, Ana? Could you start by telling David and Aisling a bit about yourself and how you and Christian met?"

"Um, ok," Ana agreed, putting her teacup on a side table next to her.

"I'm twenty-three. My birth dad died the day after I was born, but my mother Carla married my stepfather Ray when I was little so he's the only father I've ever known. I grew up in Montesano which is about two-and-a-half hours southwest of Seattle. Ray was a military man, and the tours of duty were hard on Mom. They split when I was in middle school, and she remarried, and we moved to Las Vegas with her new husband." Ana paused, quickly taking a sip of tea to calm herself before continuing. "I hated it in Las Vegas, and Daddy had left the army by then, so I returned to Montesano to live with him and finish high school there. Mom's now on to husband number four," she continued with a slight eye roll, "and lives in Georgia."

David and Aisling were listening politely.

"After I graduated high school, I attended WSU, Vancouver for college where I majored in English Literature. I met Christian a few weeks before graduating. He'd given a large donation to the agricultural department of the University and was going to give the commencement speech and confer the degrees at our graduation. My roommate had arranged to interview him for the student newspaper to coincide with that. On the day she was meant to meet with Christian, she had the flu and was too sick to drive to Seattle for the interview, so I went in her place."

"And it was love at first sight," I interrupted, giving my wife a wink and taking her hand in mine. "From the second Anastasia fell into my office, I fell under her spell."

"Fell into your office?" Wendy remarked with a lifted eyebrow, a smile lifting the edges of her lips.

"At times, Anastasia suffers from an inability to stay upright," I teased.

"It's true," my wife agreed with a pretty blush and a giggle. "I frequently trip over my own feet."

"So how would you describe Christian's courtship of you?" Wendy prompted.

Anastasia giggled again, making my cock twitch against my leg.

"Relentless and completely over the top! He wouldn't take no for an answer! It was a whirlwind of flowers and restaurants. He even flew me to New York and organized a private tour and lunch at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building of the New York Library!"

"I'm a very driven man," I explained to David and Aisling. "When there's something I want, I put all my time and resources into achieving it. It's a technique that's helped me succeed at business, and after a couple of false starts, it earned me Anastasia's love and trust, too."

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