Chapter 11

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After our nights apart, and the fear that had come with them, waking up beside Ana in our own bed was beyond wonderful. Teddy had woken twice overnight, so we hadn't enjoyed unbroken sleep, but getting up with Ana to see to our son brought nothing but joy! I couldn't do much to help Ana feed him, so every time Teddy woke, I'd bring him to her, fetch a glass of water for Ana to drink, then we'd cuddle together in front of the TV as she nursed.

There was a series Ana said all the girls at SIP followed. True Blood. She'd never checked it out, so last night as she nurtured our boy, we'd started the series together. A lot more out there than I'd expected, Ana seemed to enjoy the first episode, and it gave us something to do as Teddy fed.

After each feed, as soon as Ana burped him, I'd take Teddy over to the change table and put a fresh diaper on him. I explained I wanted to play my part, and since I couldn't feed Teddy, I was on diaper duty. With helpful advice from Ana, it only took me a couple of goes to get the diaper on correctly. We'd only had wet nappies, last night, but Ana had assured me that would change, and I should prepare for my first soiled diaper. I wasn't worried. Our son was what, just over a foot and a half long. How bad could it be?!

I rolled onto my side, grinning at Ana curled on her side facing me. Her dark hair running across the pillows like spilled ink, her long eyelashes resting on her cheeks, even with dark circles under her eyes, my wife was still the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.

"I can feel you staring, Christian," Ana murmured, her eyes still closed.

"Aren't I allowed to look at my wife?" I asked, my voice husky. "I missed you, baby. So so much."

Ana opened her eyes to show me those beautiful baby blues. The same ones that had ensnared me not so very long ago.

"I missed you too, Christian. But I knew you'd find us."

"So confident Mrs. Grey?" I meant to tease, but it came out sounding forced. In the dark of night there'd been times when I'd wondered if I'd see my wife or child again.

"I know you love Teddy and me, and wouldn't stop until we were safe."

"I do love you," I replied, moving closer to Ana on the bed, draping my arm around her. "More than anything in the world."

"I know," she responded with a smile. "Because I feel the same way."

We lay in bed beside each other, Ana's hand stroking my bare chest, my arm draped around her waist. It was the perfect moment; a snapshot where we were together and perfectly happy. However, it was soon interrupted by the loudest imaginable wet fart sound followed by a noxious smell emanating from the side of the room.

"Oh my God! What is that?" I gagged, sitting up and staring at our son's bassinet. Ana giggled taking in my horrified expression.

"That sounds and smells like a dirty diaper!"

I climbed out of bed and gingerly walked closer to where our son lay. His small face was contorted, and while I watched he managed another loud noise, accompanied by a truly revolting odor.

"Um, Ana? It's not all in the diaper... His sleep suit is soiled, and so are the sheets!"

My son, our beautiful Theodore, was lying there liberally covered in mustard colored shit.

"I think that's what they call a number three." Ana's voice lilted with amusement.

"Number three?" I asked, confused.

"Yes. A pee is a number one, a poo is a number two, and when you need a firehose to clean it up, that's a number three."

I took a deep breath, approaching the bassinet.

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