Chapter 25

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"Do I have to go?" I grumbled petulantly as I sat in the back of the SUV at Boeing Field waiting for Elliot, Ethan and Eamon Kavanagh to arrive. One by one the other guests for the weekend had appeared and were ushered onto the GEH jet; my father, grandfather, a few of Elliot's schoolmates and his foreman. As per the ridiculous instructions Andrea had included on the invites, each man was wearing a loud Hawaiian style shirt, and numerous sets of golf clubs had been loaded into the hold. Not that that added any to my anticipation for the weekend. Golf was the one sport I sucked at – so I expected to be owned by Elliot and his friends on Sunday morning. Hell – last time we played, even my Grandfather outclassed me!

"Yes, you do," Ana purred, snapping photo after photo of me holding Teddy as I waited for the last guests to arrive.

"Feel free to throw up on this shirt," I told Teddy with sincerity. "I'd love an excuse to change. Where did you even get something so hideous?!" I asked my wife.

"At a menswear store down town. Sawyer took me down there and he bought one too," she giggled, and I swear the sound went right to my dick. It had been a week since we'd had the 'good to go' but last Friday had been it in terms of intimacy until this afternoon. Ana announced since there were a few hours between me coming home from work and the time I was due at Boeing Field, she would give me something to remember while I was away. She needn't have stressed about it, I had no interest in any woman bar my wife. That said, I certainly didn't turn her down! Closing my eyes for a moment, I recalled my wife's bare breasts jiggling in front of me as she rode me hard. Hmm!

"Yeah, well. Won't be as bad as the one I bought for Elliot," I chuckled. Something Andrea found online when she'd come up with aloha shirt idea, no one would even notice what I was wearing when Elliot showed up.

"Do I want to know?" Ana giggled, the beautiful sound not helping with my not so little problem inside my boxer briefs.

"Probably not," I admitted, kissing my son's soft, downy head. It was only three and a bit days, but I would miss him like crazy. "Now, Teddy. As the only dude on this bachelorette weekend, I need you to keep your eye out. Take care of Mommy, and I'll get the low down on what happened when I get back..."

"Nothing will happen," Ana laughed. "Unless you consider a day spa, dinner and a winery tour hot stuff?!"

"No strippers?" I asked for about the fifth time.

"None," Ana confirmed. Yeah, I was a possessive fucker. Sue me!

"If it gets too much, I want you to tell Gail, Prescott or McIntyre. Go back to the room and sleep if you need to. Or even return to Escala. Kate will understand." I didn't add that I'd already spoken with Mom and Mia that it worried me the weekend might be too much for Ana, exacting promises from them to step in if needs be.

"We'll be fine, Christian," Ana promised, leaning across Teddy's capsule to brush her lips against mine.

"I worry," I growled.

"I love you for it," Ana responded, silencing my fears with another kiss. "It looks like your brother's here now."

Sure enough, there were Ethan and Eamon Kavanagh each in Hawaiian print shirts, accompanied by my brother. Elliot looked every bit as ridiculous as I'd hoped in a hot pink shirt with half-peeled banana designs printed on it. The shirt was so bright it was practically fluorescent, and while highly suggestive, the bananas were just this side of being in poor taste. Not that Elliot seemed to care. He was busy sucking face with Kavanagh – Kate that is – as her brother, father, Sawyer, and Taylor moved their luggage and three sets of golf clubs into the hold.

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