Chapter 60

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"If that's what you want...?" I asked tentatively. Grace was right – this needed to be Christian's decision.

"I want Eleanor's name on my original birth certificate. David's, too."

"What do you think about the adoptee certificate?" I probed.

"Will that replace the birth certificate from when Mom and Dad adopted me?" Christian asked.

"No. Deidre checked. You're entitled to, and can have, three birth certificates; your original birth certificate which you can amend to include David and list Eleanor's correct details if you wish. Then there's the certificate you got at four years old that lists Grace and Carrick. Unless you choose to change it, that will remain unchanged. Finally, you can apply for an adoptee certificate listing Eleanor, David, Grace, and Carrick."

"Ok," my husband replied, clearly out of his depth.

"You can action any or none of these," I said supportively. "We all know the truth, now. Nothing will change that."

"But it does. I want to forgive her," Christian admitted. "You once told me I loved my mother... You were right. I need to admit that. I loved Eleanor, and I forgive her."

"Oh baby," I moaned, straddling my husband on the sofa, putting a hand on each side of his face. "I'll be there every step of the way."

"I want to correct my original birth certificate," he stated. "And I'd like an adoptee certificate, too."

"All you need to do is sign, but maybe think about it for a few days?"

"I don't need to think about it," Christian said. "Now I've learned who my birth parents are, I want to list them. Grace and Carrick will always be my family, but I need to lay Eleanor to rest. Amending my birth certificate is part of that."

"I understand," I said, reaching over to stroke my husband's bicep.

"Thank you for doing this for me," Christian said, his voice thick with emotion. "I need this to move forward."

"You're welcome, baby," I cooed into his ear. "Teddy and I love you. We want you happy!"

"You look pleased with yourself," I commented when Christian woke the next morning

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"You look pleased with yourself," I commented when Christian woke the next morning.

"I am! I have a beautiful wife and son. The last year has been the best of my life, and I can't wait to share another year with you."

"Is that right, Mr. Grey?"

"It is, Mrs. Grey," Christian replied, nuzzling my neck before starting to press soft kisses onto my neck.

"Again?!" I gasped, as Christian pulled me closer, flexing his hips to press his erection against my belly.

He chuckled. "What can I say? I take my obligations as a husband very seriously."

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