Epilogue 1

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It had been a crazy, crazy month.

After David and Aisling left, taking Grandma Adele with them, Gramps came to stay with us for a week. An easy houseguest, Theodore just wanted to spend time with Teddy, enjoy Gail's exemplary cooking, and hang out with us. Christian relished his grandfather's presence on the trips to and from work, and the executive level at Grey House. I thought the two of them might burst with pride when they took Teddy to work with them on the Wednesday, asking Carrick and Elliot to join them for lunch at a nearby restaurant. Usually, loathing personal photos published in the press, Christian tasked Andrea with calling the Seattle Times to request several copies of the paparazzi picture of Theodore, Carrick, Elliot, himself and Teddy eating lunch together that had appeared the next day in the social pages. A magnificent casual shot of four generations of Trevelyan/Grey men, I'd gifted copies to Grace and Adele who both loved it every bit as much as I did.

Aisling and David's Thanksgiving visit had been a resounding success. We'd settled into roles that worked, and I could see things being comfortable from here on. Aisling and I had cemented our relationship as sisters-in-law and friends, Grace had become a pseudo-aunt / mother figure to Christian's biological sister, while Mia and Callie had firmly ensconced themselves as sister figures. It balanced out well, Callie was the low-key, laid-back one while Mia maintained her status as the Grey family energizer bunny!

After our surprise discovery at Thanksgiving about the latest little Grey, Christian and I had arranged a consult with Dr. Greene the following week. It turned out I was around eight weeks along, which set the scene for a Christmas pregnancy announcement. Teddy did not understand why everyone was so excited, but his Christmas-themed 'I'm going to be a big brother!' customized shirt was a huge hit!

Christian's bio family had spent Christmas in Detroit with the O'Rileys but returned to celebrate New Year's Eve in Seattle with us and the wider Grey/Trevelyan and Steele families. In fact, that's what found us here today. Christian had taken his fathers, grandfather, Ray, Elliot, Taylor, and Teddy to the GEH corporate box to watch the Seahawks in the final against the Los Angeles Rams. Starting at half-past-four, we all knew not to expect to see the guys until at least 8:00 pm.

The women of the family, having little interest in an afternoon of beer and football, had spent a spa afternoon together before heading to the Mile High club to meet up with our men for dinner.

"So... tell me all about your new friend," Callie prompted, smiling at Mia while the rest of us listened on.

"His name is Saul," she said, more demure than I had ever seen her. "He works at GEH, and Christian is kind of taking him under his wing," she explained. "We met when I did a rotation with Ros on the executive floor. He's very intense. Driven. We've only been dating a few weeks, but I really like him! He's so different from any other man I've met..."

I secretly felt Saul sounded a lot like Christian, but maybe that's the sort of man Mia needed? Grace looked pleased about Mia dating a man with vision and ambition, although she understood better than to say anything.

"You should have invited him to join the guys at the football!" Aisling innocently suggested.

"Um... Christian doesn't really know about us, yet," Mia said apologetically, "so please don't say anything!"

I smirked. My husband was already well across Saul and Mia dating and approved immensely; however, I'd let Saul and Mia continue with their misapprehension!

"Plus, Saul is Jewish," Mia explained. "He and his family observe the Shabbat. He couldn't come tonight as he needs to be with his family come sun-down."

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