Chapter 4

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Roach's fishing shack had been as I'd last seen it, and unoccupied. Taking care to hide Millie's car behind the cottage, we settled in, using only one bedroom and the main living space. I took photos on my phone, so we could reset the cottage every time we left it. My plan was Roach would be none the wiser we'd used the cabin in his absence. Our place to stay established, I started work finding out everything I could about Ana. I knew she was heavily pregnant, but needed to find out her due date and where she would deliver. The press reports claimed 'Baby Grey' was due late March, although I wondered whether this was a ruse. In the most recent photos of Ana at the annual Seattle Grace Hospital fundraiser she looked almost ready to pop.

As it turned out, my hypothesis was correct. A phone call leading to a couple of nights with Amanda, a sometime fuck buddy and an administration clerk at the Seattle Grace, revealed Seattle's top consulting obstetrician Dr. Greene had booked out the best suite in the maternity wing from the fourth to the eighteenth of March. No patient name was listed on the booking, which was highly unusual. By all accounts, Grey was a control freak who demanded nothing but the best. It didn't take much to conclude Baby Grey was due earlier than Grey House had led others to believe, and the Seattle Grace the hospital of choice.

With the timeline two weeks shorter than expected, I'd had to speed up my preparations. A little sweet talking, and Amanda agreed to tell me when the suite switched over from 'booked' to 'occupied' on the system. She wouldn't be able to confirm who was inhabiting the space, but she'd be able to tell me once they were in the hospital. Enough for my purposes.

Once I had the information I needed from Amanda, I set about getting Millie to sell her car. We needed a van, and it was better to do things legally than steal something and have people on the lookout for it. Millie was on no one's radar, so it would raise no flags when she traded in her sedan. A couple of visits to cheap car yards, and we found the perfect vehicle. An older van, with no windows opening into the back and a large metal grille between the front and the rear, it was large enough to fit a single mattress in the rear. At first, Millie didn't want to sell her sedan. I took three rounds with her on her back to make her submit. She didn't particularly enjoy the experience although I did!

The van purchased, I focused on the next aspect of my plan; the medication needed to incapacitate Grey, Ana and their security. Another contact came through with the goods there. A pharmacist, and inveterate pervert, for enough of the right type of porn he'd supply me with anything I wanted. I'd been getting Rohypnol from him for years; this time he gave me vials of Propofol and Ketamine, no questions asked. After explaining the dosages for intra-muscular and intra-venous administration, he'd left me to it, but not before coquettishly asking me to send him a video of the 'results.' I promised, having always done so in the past. But this time, I had no intention of following through. Ana would be mine! Once I had her, there was no way I'd let anyone enjoy her pain but me.

"It's  time," I crowed in excitement, looking up from the text I'd received on  my burner phone

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"It's time," I crowed in excitement, looking up from the text I'd received on my burner phone. Amanda was a needy bitch, but the promise of an interview for a position at SIP had been enough to convince her to compromise her principles. Little did the slag know I hadn't worked there in months!

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