Chapter 56

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"Mrs. Grey? As you know, I had the agency through yesterday... After discussing our needs, they've suggested a domestic help through half days twice a week, and a whole day on Wednesday," Gail broached apologetically.

"That doesn't sound unreasonable," I replied. "Did they have recommendations for someone?"

"Yes, and no. Getting someone suitable permanent part-time is tricky. There was one candidate they mentioned. She works part-time in a similar role in another exclusive residence nearby. They spoke with her this morning, and there would need to be some give and take regarding her available hours, but the candidate has satisfied the highest security checks, and she has worked in the other residence for several years."

My mind ran through the possibilities. Few people had security as tight as Christian and I. Locally, the only people that sprang to mind were the Gates. Despite Christian moving in the highest social circles of Seattle, I'd yet to meet Bill or Melinda. I knew Christian had several business dealings with Bill, but we hadn't met.

"The Gates?" I asked, Gail nodding to confirm my suspicions.

"The agency suggested a personal phone call to Melinda would be most appropriate," she explained.

I considered calling Christian to ask for his guidance, however considering the nature of the issue, had it been almost anyone else I would have not have paused. So asking Gail to refresh my cup of tea, I pumped her for all the information about the young woman in question, then tasked her with finding the number for the Gates' home. Ten minutes later, Gail came to me in the library, holding one of the portable phones.

"Are you ready?" she asked nervously.

"Of course not!" I giggled. "But I'll do it."

Gail dialed the number, then passed me the handset, discreetly leaving the room, closing the double doors behind her.

"The Gates' residence," a female answered on the third ring. She sounded warm and friendly yet still professional.

"Good morning. This is Ana Grey calling to speak with Mrs. Gates. I'm ringing to talk with her about a young lady who works part-time in her home as a domestic who has been recommended to work also in ours."

"Please hold the line, Mrs. Grey," the woman responded, placing me on hold. I'd barely had a chance to feel nervous before my call was picked up.

"Ana! Melinda Gates. I'm sorry we've not spoken before now. Congratulations on your wedding and little Theodore. Our children are not so little anymore, but I remember those crazy years well!"

"Thank you, Melinda," I answered. "It's been an adjustment, but I think we're finding our feet."

"I'm pleased to hear it. I heard you were calling about a domestic matter?" Melinda asked.

"Yes, that's right. As you may know, we've recently moved into a home in Medina. The residence and grounds are much more expansive than our previous residence in Escala, and our housekeeper Mrs. Taylor is struggling. She had an agency out who highlighted the difficulty of locating permanent part-time staff. They did, however, mention a young woman who serves part-time in your household who might be prepared to work for us both."

"I see. Her name...?"

"I only know her first name. Agnesa. To be clear, she has not been seeking additional employment. When Mrs. Taylor discussed our needs and rigorous security requirements, the agency commented they had no one suitable on their books, but mentioned they'd placed an ideal part-time candidate elsewhere several years ago. They contacted her and she's happy also to consider employment with us, but only with your permission."

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