Chapter 8

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"Sir? We have a solid lead!"

My head shot up, taking in Barney and Welch's excited grins.

"A white van identical to the one we identified purchased by a Ms. Millicent Beatrice Ilyard nine days ago here in Seattle. Jack Hyde fostered with Ms. Ilyard's family just outside Detroit when he was thirteen to fifteen years old." Barney positively beamed as he delivered his information.

"We have an address for her north of Detroit," Welch continued. "I've contacted the FBI. They will contact the local police. While there's no guarantee Ms. Ilyard is involved in the abduction..."

"... I have checked her image against the hospital CCTV footage, and it seems to be a match," Barney concluded.

I didn't pause before I started issuing instructions. "Prepare the jet. Get them to set a flight plan to head to the closest airport to her location ASAP."

Once Ana's message from North Dakota had been discovered, we knew they'd crossed state lines. That meant their abduction became a federal case, hence the FBI. Taylor, Welch and Barney were working with federal agents, but also continuing their own lines of enquiry. The FBI grossly understaffed, even a high-profile case such as this received nothing like the resources I was able to throw at it. Thankfully, mostly the agents welcomed our assistance, sharing information readily.

"We don't know for sure this woman has Mrs. and Master Grey," Taylor cautioned, although, like me, he was itching for action.

"I realize that," I snapped, doing my best to contain my desperation and my hope. "But it's the first solid lead we've had. Let's check it out while the rest of the team keep digging."

We spent the next ten minutes arguing about who would come to Michigan. The security staff a given, my parents, Ana's, Elliot, Kate and even Mia wanted to accompany us. Taylor made the call; himself, Ryan, Reynolds, Prescott, Ray, my mother and myself. Ostensibly, Jason included my mother in the trip thanks to her medical qualifications, however neither of us were stupid enough to believe that. After so many years with me, Taylor recognized I'd probably fall apart if this turned out to be a false lead. If so, the only person, other than Ana, with any chance of comforting me was Grace.

No matter what the reason, the composition seemed right as our group boarded the smaller GEH jet at Boeing Field. I was unsurprised to find they had prioritized us for immediate take off. Money didn't buy happiness, but in situations like this, it was of immense assistance. We'd be arriving at somewhere called John's Airport outside Davison as soon as practicable. Our pilot, Stephan, had greeted me as I stepped onboard, promising to get us to Michigan without delay.

On board I sat beside my mother, opposite Ray and Taylor. No one in the mood for chit chat, Taylor spent most of his time on his laptop communicating with Barney and Welch who'd stayed back at Escala. While we were in the air, they accessed more information about Millicent Ilyard, which they communicated to Taylor.

"Christian? I have information on the Ilyard woman," Taylor announced, interrupting our awkward silence. Ray, Mom and I all gazed at him and I nodded giving him leave to tell us all Barney and Welch had discovered.

"The local police have been contacted. Millie Ilyard has spent her whole life in the area. She lives alone in the family farm house in an isolated area outside of town. Her father is deceased, and her mother is in a nursing home suffering dementia. Millie is turning thirty later this year, and she's a bit simple."

"Simple?" I snapped. I don't care what the fuck she was – I'd end her if she'd been involved in taking my wife and my son!

"She has a mild intellectual disability," Taylor explained. "The local police described her as a good girl, from a nice family with no criminal history or any record of wrongdoing."

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