Chapter 31

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There was no way, and I mean no way, that fucker would take photos of my Anastasia nursing! Family photos? Fine. Pictures of Teddy and Ana? No worries. Images of our little guy? Sure thing. Photos of my son receiving sustenance from my beautiful wife's breasts? When hell fucking froze over!

I pulled out my phone, shooting a text off to Andrea, demanding she research photographers who specialized in that sort of photography. Female photographers! José could do outdoors family pics, and we'd have another shoot for the other stuff.

That organized, I returned to considering what Welch had told me. Really, I was unsurprised. Yes, Elliot was a man whore who'd fucked half of Seattle's single blonde women, but he'd changed his tune since Kate came along. Sure he'd like a look and perhaps a guided touch – but a blow job? He was smart enough to recognize that was crossing the line.

In retrospect, slut-shaming Kate had been a low blow, especially given Elliot had been every bit as promiscuous as she had, and she hadn't been the one getting oral from a stripper. However, I stood by my stance that she didn't know what a loving relationship looked like.

Eamon and Melinda's relationship was toxic, and Kate's love life had been one short fling after another. Even while she was dating Elliot, Kate seemed to operate as a 'me' while Elliot was looking at things as a 'we.' I'd have to tell him what I'd discovered, and sooner rather than later, but that was a problem to deal with tomorrow.

I rolled the scotch around the bottom of my glass, reminiscing about this afternoon in the playroom. I hadn't intended to claim Anastasia's ass. In fact, unusually for me, I hadn't had a scene planned out before we went into the playroom. But it had been hot as hell – especially the excited noises Ana made as she came. She'd been all giggly and shy in the shower afterward, and damn if that didn't make me hot and horny all over again!

Ana was upstairs fussing with Teddy in his room. We'd decided now he was sleeping through six hours most nights, it was time for him to move to his nursery. Right next to our room, it was fitted with every safety and security feature imaginable. While he'd had the odd nap in there, tonight was our first time attempting a full night, and I understood Ana was nervous. Downing the last of the scotch I switched the lights off, climbing the stairs to our bedroom and the nursery.

"He's asleep," Anastasia whispered from the entry to Teddy's room. I wrapped my arms around her, and we stood in the doorway, looking at our son sleeping on his back in his crib. At times I still had trouble believing that Ana and I made him; that he was half her, half me and oh so perfect.

"Come to bed, baby," I crooned, taking the baby monitor from her hand and leading her next door to our room. I dimmed the hallway lights then followed my wife into the master suite.

"Do you think he'll be ok?" she asked nervously.

"He will be fine," I reassured her. "He's just next door, we have a sound, vision and motion monitor on him, and everything in there has been security and safety checked. Twice!"

"He's still so little... What if he needs us?"

"Then we'll be there in less than three seconds." I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, Anastasia following to do likewise. Teeth clean I changed into a pair of boxer briefs and stepped over to my side of the bed. Climbing in then lifting the covers up, I welcomed my wife under the sheets beside me.

"What did Dr. Blaine say on Monday?" I asked, trying to distract Ana.

"Teddy's developing perfectly. Now he's started his vaccinations, she's suggested I take him to places where he can socialize with other children his age."

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