Chapter 34

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With Kate safely arrived in the UK, ensconced in an apartment her Uncle owned, operation 'Find Ana New Friends' was ready to begin. I'd sat down and taken stock of my friends. José was based in Portland so that only left me with Casey and Mia locally. Things were a little strained with Mia just now, although that would pass, but both were in very different places to where I was now. After some digging, Andrea had come up with the location and time of two playgroups and mothers' clubs in the Medina area, so I planned to try our first one today.

"I'd like you to take McIntyre and Clarke, as well as Prescott," Christian said as he inserted his cufflinks, preparing for an early morning meeting. An inexpensive pair I'd bought for him on our honeymoon, it invariably made me smile when he favored them over his other more costly sets.

I didn't feel Teddy and I required three security personnel to attend a playgroup, and expressed as much, but knowing Christian was already concerned about us going out, I agreed to it – at least for the first occasion.

"How long does the group go for?" Christian checked.

"About an hour and a half, but sometimes the moms go out afterward?"

"Well if you do, please text me. I worry, baby."

"I know you do," I responded, walking over to straighten my man's tie, before giving him a long tender kiss. "Have you got a lot on today?"

"Yes. After the meeting this morning, there's an electronics company in San Diego I am trying to buy, so we're conference calling about that. Then this afternoon, Elliot and I are going out to inspect properties for Grey Constructions Manufacturing. A few in Renton, the others in the industrial district."

"Renton? I thought you preferred Harbor Island?"

"There's nothing suitable there. While we could build a facility, it would slow the process down and it's a waste of money when we can use something already built. The team working on the feasibility study identified several potential locations, so now we're checking out property there."

"You have a team working on this?" I asked.

"Yes. I want this to be a success. Elliot needs a win right now."

I smiled at my darling fifty. He wouldn't admit it, but it was more than that. He was enjoying working on a project with his brother; especially something which could combine their two areas of expertize.

"Well I hope you find something. If Elliot's not busy, see if he wants to come over for dinner tonight. You can talk more about it then?"

Christian grinned, stepping forward and scooping me into his arms and kissing me soundly. "Thank you, baby. I'll do that."

After stopping by the nursery to check on the still sleeping Teddy, Christian went downstairs to the great room.

"Breakfast, Mr. Grey?" Gail asked, already in place in the kitchen.

"Not this morning, thanks Gail. This morning's meeting is catered."

After I gave my husband a final kiss, he and Taylor stepped into the elevator. Settling the baby monitor onto the counter, I sat at the breakfast bar facing Gail as she placed a cup of English Breakfast tea in front of me.

"Thanks, Gail. Teddy and I are going out to a playgroup this morning. I'll be taking Prescott, McIntyre and Clarke, but we should be home in time for a late lunch. Also, there's a possibility Elliot will join us for dinner tonight."

"I'll be sure to cook extra then," Gail laughed. Elliot's heart may be broken, but it hadn't affected his stomach. Kate had texted him to say she'd arrived in London, also asking him not to contact her for a fortnight while she settled in. Yesterday she'd sent me a long email outlining her accommodation and what she would be working on. She'd sounded optimistic enough, but it had further underscored that her priorities and interests were very different to mine right now.

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