Chapter 3

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My husband was exhausted. Supporting me through hours of labor had been harder on him than either of us had expected. In fact, it was a miracle he had any hair left on his head with the way he'd been tugging at it for the last day and a half. With little sleep, and next to no food, he was running on adrenaline and caffeine. Given half a chance, he'd be hunting for some hapless hospital administrator, bribing, bullying and threatening his way into being allowed to stay with Teddy and me overnight. But he needed a decent sleep, so hoping to spare everyone in the hospital his fractious demands, I convinced him to go back to Escala for a few hours' rest.

After many emotional kisses and fervent declarations of love, Christian departed, taking Taylor with him. Briefly coming in to admire Theodore, Sawyer traded off with Prescott, the latter also heading home to wherever she lived before her shift started again in twelve hours' time. Lorna pulled Teddy's Perspex crib up beside my bed, and despite the pain from my abdomen, I turned enough to stare at his beautiful face. Eyes closed, plump red lips pursed, a couple of loose copper curls poked out from beneath the soft cotton hat he wore. The one Christian chose during our honeymoon in Ireland. What had seemed a cherished dream then was now a reality. Christian and I were parents.

True to her word, Lorna settled into the comfortable chair in the corner of my suite, dimming the main lights before switching on a lamp and focusing on a pile of hospital paperwork. Christian had only agreed to leave once they had guaranteed him we'd not be unattended in his absence. While it was completely unnecessary, I'd foreseen Christian's need for security and control would intensify with the anxiety of Teddy's arrival, so rather than fight him on things that didn't matter, I agreed to most of his demands. If it gave him peace of mind why bother arguing?

Tomorrow would be crazy. Because of the caesarian everyone would already know we'd had the baby, but once we officially announced Teddy's arrival, as soon as visiting hours allowed, I expected to be inundated with well-meaning family eager to meet our precious baby boy. I hoped Christian and I would have a chance for the three of us to cuddle before the hoards descended. We'd barely held Teddy, and once Mom, Grace, Mia and Kate arrived I doubt I'd have the opportunity again for a while.

I wondered how Carrick would feel about Theodore now he was here? Even the most cursory glance screamed Teddy was Christian's child. His copper hair aside, his face was all his father's. Teddy's nose, chin and lips were a carbon copy of his daddy's, as was the serious expression on his face as he'd looked about him. While I believed Carrick now trusted the truth about our son's paternity, we'd still be going ahead with the DNA test Carrick had once demanded. With nothing to hide, I wanted no doubt in anyone's mind that Theodore was very much a Grey, and Christian's biological son.

"Everyone will be so excited to meet you, Teddy," I muttered softly, averse to being overheard by the midwife. "Mommy and daddy already love you so much. We can't wait to take you home with us. Smiling at my boy, I let my eyes droop, drifting off to sleep.

 Smiling at my boy, I let  my eyes droop, drifting off to sleep

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