chapter 2: First day of school part 2 a slice of drama

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au notes:"....." means talking
'.......' Means thinking
That's all. Enjoy reading!
*Hazy pov*

We sat side by side in our home room for assembly before going to our respective classes. I sat near the window enjoying the view from outside. 'hmm. Their garden is really beautiful. Good place to rest ' The location of the home room give a prefect view of the school garden. After awhile,I decided to sent Skylar the map of the school. One, I won't not be with her for the whole day today and two, Skylar have no sense of directions. I'm still Abit mad that I won't be together with Skylar and especially on Monday. Money blues hit me like a truck.

*Skylar pov*

*bling* I open the message sent by Hazy. I look at her with a pout

"Haz. "

Hazy look away from the window. " yes princess? " looking at me with her curious blue eyes

"one, do not call me princess. Please? At least not in school. And two, do you think I will get lost!? " showing her the picture of the map in my phone that was just sent by her.

Hazy:" Answer to part one. OK I will call you by your name. Answer to part two. Yes I'm afraid that you will get lost. Say the one who get lost in her father's company..."

Hazy was interrupted as I used my hand to cover her mouth, preventing her to say anymore

" it's only one time! I'm I was 12 for goodness sakes, Haz! "

I blushed so red. Before Hazy could say anything, our home room teacher came in and he introduced himself, Mr Harry Tan before starting the name calling. After awhile he call my name

Harry:" Miss Skyalr Flame?"

" present!"

Everyone turned to my direction then start whispering especially the group of girls who are whispering pretty sure loudly among themselves I assume they are the popular ones. I start to feel uncomfortable. I looked down and play with my fingers at my lap

*Hazy pov*

Seeing how uncomfortable Skylar is feeling. I growl softly looking at the people whispering. ' what's their problem... ' when Mr Tan called my name which is right after Skylar. I raised my hand to show that I'm here and...

" present Mr tan"

Harry:" I can see you miss Alix. Put down your hand "

I slamed my hand on the table. And to shut the people here up. The slam was so loud that it make the people whispering to shut up for a few seconds and was about to continue but decided to stop as I give them my death stare.

Harry:" miss Alix what is that for? "

" I'm sorry my hand feel heavy so I just drop my hand on the table I didn't know it will be that loud. "

Harry shaked his head to my lame excuse but brush it off anyways.

*Skylar pov*

I jumped to the loud bang. Looking up from my fingers reasling it was Hazy who slam her hand on the table. Then I look down smiling slightly, knowing she did that for me. After giving her lame excuse she place her hand on mine. I look up her again. Seeing her giving her rare smiles.

Hazy:" it's gonna be alright. "
The same words she say in the car.

I smile back at her. The bell ring. Mr Tan let us go to our respective classes. At the hall Hazy and I say our good byes and walk to our respective classes.

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