chapter 17:Dark's Fun part 1, the circle of death.

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An: wow I only take one day of break? I guess I got hyper and decided to write. Any ways enjoy reading! I will talk more at the end of the story
*Hazy pov*

The spotlight immediately shine on him. He was wearing a black tuxedo and a mask that only cover his upper part of his face. He had black hair and dark eyes reminding me of someone but I couldn't recall. I pointed my sword at him.

" who are you? What do you want and how did you even get in here? The Nex family should be guarding the door. Once the party start no one can enter unless your in the guest list."

Dark: " my name is Dark. I want nothing really. And the answer on how I get in here? Your pretty observevent. I am not in the guest list. But Penny invite me in. She say I could come in"

Once he said that, penny appeared beside him. She doesn't look like herself and there a metal collar that glowed red on her neck.

Skylar:" what have you done to her! "

Dark:" like princess like knight. Very observant!"

I snapped my fingers and about twenty guards stood in front of the crowd forming a circle around Dark and Penny. Two guards was standing beside Flame family. Dark looking around almost amused. For the first time in my life I actually felt fear.

*Skylar pov*

I looked at the guard beside and saw a collar similar to the one penny was wearing. But it's not glowing. '.... Could it be!? ' I looked back at the man who call himself Dark, he seem amused.

" Hazy! Something is wrong!! They all have collars!!"

Hazy turned back at me with confuse but also worried eyes then turned back at Dark when he started to speak.

Dark: " wow~ this is why I loved you. So smart, beautiful and kind. Yes. Something is wrong. And it's going to get worst... "

Dark snapped his fingers then the collar of all twenty- two guards glow green instead of red . They pointed their guns at Hazy who immediately went to battle stand.

Dark:" these collars are design by me. You know how emotion can get the better of us. So why not use their emotion and control them? "

Dark gestured to all the guards. Then grabbed Penny's chin.

Dark:" she was driven by hate and angry for you and your knight. The collar capture and fix on the strongest emotion one is feeling. Yes she do have other emotion that could calm her down but with this collar, She will only feel anger and hate. So basically Very easy to control and to manipulate..."

He walked towards the closest guards.

Dark:" penny was just a try out. A normal person can't really control their emotion really well. Especially for this brat. Now this guys here are the real thing. They can only be Flame's guards if they can control their emotion. And well they can't. Look they are control by jealously. As your better than them and treated better as well. But of course you can't blame them...they are not you Hazy..."

He walked towards Hazy. I watched Hazy's gripped on the sword got tighter as he came closer. She knew she can't defeat all of them by her own. So she decided to wait for the right opportunity.

Dark:" train since young. You went through hard training to be who you are today. Emotionless and have monsterness skills. Trained to perfectaction people would say.... But your not perfect. Because... "

He leaned towards Hazy's ear and said something which I couldn't hear but what ever he said it cause hazy to attack him. Of course he dodged it. Hazy was about to attack him again when two guards came at her.

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