chapter 10: Thing have never been the same part 2, Piper's past.

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An: you know I ain't writing that thing I always write here. After 10 chapters I think you know my style already.... Enjoy reading! Abit offensive for LbTG people. I didn't mean any harm it's just part of the chapter. I support them all the way. I'm a lesbian myself. So I really wanna punch my character here too Any ways sorry for taking you time. Pls continue to read.
*Skylar pov*

It been two weeks since my out-burst and even since that day I had rage , Hazy and I had distance from each other even Scarlett, Flora, Piper, father and mother noticed that. Other than father and Piper especially Piper, she seem very happy to have her "bestie" all to herself, everyone seem concerned. I am not gonna apologize for my outburst.

Leonardo:" a penny for your thoughts sky? "

I looked at Leonardo beside me holding my hand. 'oh I forgot we are in a date.' we are on our way to watch movie then we will head for dinner ' Yup normal stuff. Just.. '
I turned around seeing Piper wrapping her arm around Hazy shoulder, talking to her while hazy smiled listening to what the purple hoodie girl have to say. Standing beside them was an Alone Finn looking grumpy that his potential girl friend have been taken away by Piper

" seriously why are you here? "

Piper and I have bad blood even since I raged at Hazy that seem to offended Piper. Alot.

Piper:" I'm here for bestie. She text me she is going on a double date with you but kinda afraid Mr all black here might not come. "

Finn:" hey! Hazy is my date. of course I will come! "

Piper standing infront of Finn crossing her arm.

Piper:" Mhm are you sure your not here for your orange juice? "

She pointed to Leonardo. I was about to say something but I was interrupted by Hazy.

Hazy:" purple that's enough... I mean the more the merrier... And ah... "

She looked away almost embarrassed rubbing the back of her neck.

Hazy:" I'm sorry Finn.. "

Finn raised an eyebrow with confuse and curious then realisation hit him.

Finn:" what for? You mean this? "

He showed his right hand which was wrapped still with bandages. I remember what happened that Scarlett and Flora told me about it I feel kinda bad too as I'm indirectly in fault. Hazy nodded.

Hazy:" that's why I call Piper here. Thought you might not come or feel uncomfortable with me"

Piper:" that's right! So does that answer your question princess? "

I frowned at her 'seriously she is getting on my nerve....'

Finn rubbed the back of my neck smiling:" it's alright really! I think it's the alcohol that make us Abit crazy. And your just protecting your princess so it alright. Really!"

Hazy seem unsured and worried.

Leonardo:" Finn likes a girl who can kick his ass that way he will be loyal to one lady "

Both Finn and Hazy were blushing. My eyes widen with surprise ' ... Could be... Hazy finally is dropping her guard and is exposing herself to Finn? '

Leonardo whispered:" I know you have been trying to get them together so am I "

I looked at him he winked then held my hand and head for the cinema.

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