chapter 3: first day of school part 3, A Fury Battle

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An:"......." talking
      :'.....' thinking
       Warning there is violent that maybe too much for some readers. Other than that. Enjoy reading
---10mins ago ---

*Hazy pov*
*in the charging room*

Piper:" oooo neat. I like your combat clothing. Really sick~"

Piper, standing beside me with her hands on her hips. She was wearing a black leather biker jacket and a purple shirt that was to her chest length leaving her tummy bare, a short white rip jeans that is held by a huge belt.

"you look pretty ready to kick butt" my combat clothing was close to casual and this was only one of many as I have to be on guard all the time. Skylar do not want me to walk around with a full bullet proof vest, helmet and with my weapons out. Even my weapons was change to two casual looking metal bracelet. Words craft on them were Hazy Alix on the right and Skylar's knight on the left. They were Flame creation company newest weapons. From a simple thing, it can change to numerous weapons by saying the code name of the weapon set by the user. I am wearing a night blue short sleeve collar blouse, a Grey jeans, black combat boots and most importantly my black upturned collar coat with the The Flame creation logo on the back, A burning nut. It is important as it acts as my armor. It is not only bullet proof but also tear, water and fire proof.  The clothes does have all those but only 50% but good enough it mostly absorb damage. We both walk out of the changing room.

*in training ring*

The training ring looked like an arena. With seats on the side. Our combat teacher Mrs Snow Smith standing infront of us " today we will do basic train- " she was rudely interrupted by some guy at the back

Unknown guy voice:" there is no need for it. Why not use the training ring to battle each other. To have friendly match? That way we can learn. Well for me I leant through action."

Everyone turned to the voice.

Piper:" oh Gary Han. The school  headmaster' S daughter body guard. Rumors say he single handed defeat 20 people. " her eyes sparks with excitement while saying that.

" are you sure is real or is he just boasting it? "

Gary:" and I want to fight against the black hair girl in the black coat!"

He pointed at me. I looked around hoping he was pointing at some other black hair girl in a black coat. I sigh reasling it was me. Silently cursing myself. I looked at Mrs Smith for help. But she nodded with agreement.

Snow:" alright then. Miss Alix and Mr Han go in the ring. Others go take a seat "

*Skylar pov*

Scarlett, Flora and I sat in the front row seats. The black hair girl have her back facing towards me but I know she is Hazy. Because her coat have The Flame Creation logo on her back. All Products make by father's company the logo is on The tag only Hazy clothing show Flame creation logo clearly with pride. I smile happily eating my lunch.

*Flora pov*

"hmm... " I humming loudly in deep thoughts. I wanted to ask Skylar if she knew that girl. The Coat looks familiar. Rumors say The heiress' body guard or their term knight have super human strength and speed and great and wide fighting skills due to their intensive training since young. Only one family generation do that but I can't remember their family name and Skylar was smiling happily so she must know her. Scarlett look at me having the same thoughts as me in her mind. I'm pretty excited for this match.

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