chapter 12: Hazy's time to shine part 2, the designer's wishes

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An: my beautiful humans I will be taking a break. I mean I have been continuously writing this story for about 10 days which is pretty tiring. My brain is kinda fried. But of course I still be still be writing just not every day one or two chapters. Any ways enjoy reading!
*Hazy pov*

-about one week later-

We were at our usual table but instead of having a happy atmosphere it was replaced with a seriousness and the reason was Piper who was sitting in beside me poking her food. She still have the bandages on her hand which was broken by Penny and a few bruises and cuts that was not yet heal. The silence was broken by Piper

Piper:" .... I'm gonna miss you guys. It have been a great week... We still can hang out once in awhile. We still can be friends even though we are in different school "

The reason why piper was changing school. It was because Penny's father was paying the school's fees. He sent Piper here to improve her fighting skills. But Piper didn't improve according to Penny's 'test'. Piper was strong but did not have enough skills to defeat ten people. Which was a pretty unfair test. So earlier this week, he went to the school and saying he was not paying the bills anymore and official fired Piper. Also she couldn't afford the school fees here so she got to change. So basically the school gave Piper this week to say good byes. The school was pretty cold. Skylar sighed

Skylar:" if only I can hired her. If I hired her to be my personal or as a part time body guard. Then I can pay for the school fee. We do pay our body guards you know. Hazy cost 10k per month."

Everyone on the table seem shocked and all say this together:" 10k!??!? "

Skylar nodded smiling:" yes 10k not including the school's fees. And after all,Haz worth that price or even more. She is prefect! Train to perfection! And well An Alix body guard is even more expensive for other people to hire. As Flame and Alix family have be together for 100 years, the price coded it's pretty cheap already. "

I nodded with agreement looking down on my plate of foods. ' train to perfection huh? '

Scarlett stood up suddenly. We all looked at her shock at her sudden movement.

Scarlett:" I will buy you!"

She pointed at Piper. I raised an eyebrow.

" she is not a item you know. "

Piper stood up and nodded to my statement

Flora:" I was thinking the same thing. I mean. I could use a bodyguard. "

Scarlett sat down and grabbed both of Flora's hand

Scarlett:" we can share! We don't really need one all the time so you!"

She looked at Piper, then continue

Scarlett:" can be our part time body guard!"

Piper seem to have stone.while flora nodded

Flora:" looks like I didn't need a find one for my mother tomorrow. Let's go tell the headmaster"

Scarlett stood up still holding Flora's hand. I saw a hint of blush on her face. Piper stood in front of them preventing them to go any further.

Piper:" you guys don't have to do this. "

Scarlett:" one, your our friend. Two, that's penny is a fucking bitch. We saw you fight before. You are great! Not as great as Hazy of course. No offense. And we don't really need that much protection who wanna kill for wine or clothing? Unlike the number one creator of wepons and armor. "

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