chapter 21: The reveal

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An: Welp in the end there is no smut/ lemon. I don't feel comfortable writing rape. Sorry ~ enjoying reading.
*Skylar pov*

Since I didn't say anything it seemed like a invitation for Leonardo to touch me. He placed his hand on my cheek while the other hand was placed on my butt. He leanend towards me to kiss .I looked over his shoulder, seeing Dark sitting down with his chin resting on his hand, smirking as he watched us. Then I looked at Hazy.... I couldn't stand the look in her eyes. It was showing with a mixture of sadness, anger, jealousness and despair. I pushed Leonardo away then stepped away from him.

" I can't do this! I'm sorry Leonardo. Having sex in front of people is one thing especially with this guy here "

Pointing at Dark who looked kinda scared sorta of? Ignoring him I continue to speak.

"another thing is I can't have sex with someone I don't love.. "

I took a sneak peak at Hazy's direction. She looked relief if without the gag she would smile. ' I... I don't want to betray you... Haz'

"I will do anything else but not this. I can give you more money and a private jet for you to escape. "

Leonardo:" Why must you test my patience my angel. "

I looked at Dark but realise it was not him who said that as the voice came from behind me. I turned around and realise the voice belong to Leonardo. Leonardo's face that was used to be kind and loving turned into a creepy frown.

".... H.. Huh? "

I moved back away from but got stop by two guards holding on both my arms. He paced back and forth.

Leonardo:" first. You let me chase you. And we dated for so long I thought you fall in love with me. But Nooooo. The day before the dance you say your in love with someone "

He then walked towards me.

Leonardo:" when I try to reason with you. Your bitch come in the way...."

He grabbed my chin roughly.

Leonardo:" you were so happy in her embraces! That make me jealous! At first I thought it's because you two have been Together for a long time. But... But when you say you have someone to dance with and your might be in love with somebody I assume it's your date to your dance and Hazy is just a Friend. "

Dark stood up and grabbed Hazy by the hair and dragged her to Leonardo.


He kicked Hazy in the face which caused her to fall to her side. Then he continued to kick her but this time on her stomach.

Leonardo:" everyone thinks it's normal due to the theme of the party. But I see something different. Is. How. You. Look. At. Her. "

He kicked her stomach Each time he said a word. Then he stopped panting heavily.

Leonardo:" I wanted to kill her so badly. But I decided. Let's be Civil. So I come up with this plan. And Dark my loyal henchman or to everyone... My body guard.... Finn... Handle it beautifully. "

I'm not even shocked when Dark removed his Mask reveling that he was indeed Finn. If Leonardo could be a crazy creep so could Finn.

Finn:" hello ~"

I decided to stay quiet and think a way to save both of us. I looked at Hazy she was ragging as she was struggling to get out from the thick chains that she had.

Leonardo:" PAID ATTENTION TO ME!!! "

he slapped across my face. My cheek burned by the slap. I was on the verged of tears due to the pain. Leonardo saw me nearly crying become soft and rub on the red spot on my cheek.

Leonardo :" I... I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you. Please forgive me.... Sky..."

Now He looked just like the Leonardo I used to know but I just couldn't ignore the fact that he was the master mind of all this shit.

"... Maybe If you let us go? I might forgive you! I won't call the cops I promise! "

Leonardo frowned again. He gestured to Dark or Finn. He passed a small knife that he used to cut Hazy's face. One of the guards remove Hazy's cape and throw it on the floor. Leonardo glared at it like it was his worst enemy.

Leonardo:" are you in love with Hazy? "

Leonardo gestured to one of the guards, the guard take out a cuff and cuff my wrists in front of me. Then they gently placed me on the floor. I was about to get up again when Leonardo grabbed my wrists and place them over my head, playing with the knife in his other hand. I realised what he was going to do to me.

Leonardo:" if I can't have your heart... I will have your body. I was planed for Finn to ask us to have sex with each other so we can get out together. And if you got preganet I will marry you and we will have a happy family making me look like an responsible man with Hazy still alive. You didn't have to know the real truth but look what you did.... If only if you agree, none of this will happened... "

I struggled under him.

" no no NOOOOO!!!! Stop!! Leo!!! Stop!!!! "

He smirked and started his fun. While I continued to struggle and cried . I looked over at Hazy who was suffering a torture herself too. 'Hazy.... I'm sorry... '

*Hazy pov*

My eyes widen. Then I growled with anger through the gag' I have to save her!!!!! Come on Hazy you play with chains when your a child I can do this and I will do this!!!! Skylar needs you!!!! ' I struggled through the chain some more, feeling that the chain was breaking soon due to my inhuman strength. Suddenly I was shocked by my collar. I screamed with pain through the gag. The voltage was much higher than the past few days I was kidnapped. The shock lasted for about 30second but It felt like forever. Dark or Finn came to me smirking.

Finn:" I'm not letting you out of these chains. Don't worry it will be your turn soon. "

Finn put on his insulted glove and grabbed my hair to make me looked at what Leonardo was doing to skylar ' princess!!!! Skylar!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! ' screaming in my head as all I could do was watch. Every five minutes the collar would shock me. It Hurted me so much that I could feel my body especially my throat was burning by the collar due to the shock. But all this pain could not be compare the pain I was feeling In my heart. Watching Skylar the person I loved suffered in the hands of that disgusting man that I knew from the start that he was no good guy. Slowly I felt I lost my human self and a monster was coming out deep inside me which I kept even since that incident when I'm 13. ' ..... I'm... I'm gonna... Kill.... Him.... ' I stared at him as I got my another round of shock.

' IM GONNA KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!! '
An: Welp. This was "fun" to write. I have no motivation to write this chapter and I have been thinking different outcome of this chapter. Even though I don't like this one but it's much better than the others I have in mind. I should have planned the ending but... Meh. Go with the flow!!!!!!!! It's sad it's coming to an end. I'm sad. Are you? Anyways have a great day! Kira wolf out! Stay pawsome!~*wink*

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