chapter 18:Dark's Fun part 2,Hazy's secret.

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*Hazy pov*

Using my sword as a support. First time in my life I had ever grown tired from a fight and the fight had not even ended. Dark clapped.

Dark:" now is it that a show won't you agree Mr host?"

He pointed at George who nodded right away not wanting to mess with Dark. Dark then walked towards Where Skylar and her family was. The guard next to skylar move back allowing Dark to stand next to her

Dark:" my angel, your knight really live up to her name. She take down 12 guards that are trained by her family. Damn~ I bet she is the most strongest in her family! Won't you agree... "

Dark was about to touch Skylar but his hand got grabbed by Mr Flame.

Alec:" do not touch my daughter...."

Dark:" Mr Flame. I suggest you not to touch me unless you wanna get shot..."

Mr Flame's back have a gun pointing at him. He then let go of Dark's hand and sat back down, glaring at him.

Alec:" if you didn't take hold of my man. I will personally tear you apart...."

Dark smirked , caressing touches Skylar's cheek who just stayed till as she afraid if she did something her father head might get blow off or something .While I? I suddenly felt a rush of energy and a need to ripe his head out.


I charged forward towards Dark who didn't move from his place. One of the guards tried to stop me but received a bone crushing punch to the face.  The guard who standing come forward manged to tackle me to the ground.  I struggled underneath him.


Hurted with cuts and bruises it became more harder to fight properly. Suddenly the weight on top of me is gone. I was about to get up when suddenly was electrocute on my neck. I screamed in pain.

*skylar pov*

I watched Hazy struggle underneath the guard I heard a growl. I looked up and saw the growl belong to Dark. He walked up to the guard and pulled him off Hazy by the collar of the guards shirt. ' maybe he wants to protect Hazy? ' I was very wrong. He took out a stun gun and electrocuted Hazy.

"NOOO!! "

I stood up but I stopped again as Dark held a gun on Hazy's head. Hazy's body was smoking due to the shock.

Dark:"I am not done with my show. Sit! "

I sat down. Dark sighed of relief and stood up. He injected some drug into Hazy's neck. He made her knee down by pulling her hair. I cried covering my mouth seeing Hazy being torture like this and what's worse I can't do anything.

Dark:" well. My show is about to come to a close. I'm not even suprise that she can even take that much shock. She is an Alix after all. But I'm curious about something. Does our knight in shining armour have emotion? I mean you see how she rage when I touch Skylar... That's amazing!"

Penny passed him a collar like hers and put it on Hazy's neck.

Dark:" I wonder what it will show?  Ain't you all curious? If it doesn't show anything then seriously I got to say Hazy is the best Alix? Or she is not human."

Dark laughed at his last line. He grabbed Hazy by the hair and turned her around to face the crowd. The crowd whispered to one another. I was wondering what going on then Dark turned her over to face my family. My eyes widen open. Hazy's collar glowed pink.

Dark:" wow!  Unexpected is it! Not only she have emotion. Which is thanks god I nearly thought she was a bot. Hazy is in love! I wonder who is the lucky person. Will you tell us who was it, hazy? ..."

*Hazy pov*

I couldn't move my body as it was filled with pain. Then I felt more pain when I got injected and pulled to my knee. I couldn't speak or fight back as my whole body went numb due to the shock. I didn't fight when he put the collar on me.

Dark:" wow! Unexpected is it? Hazy is in love! I wonder who is the lucky person will you tell us who was it, Hazy?"

I bite the bottom of lips to prevent myself from speaking. 'what the fuck?! I nearly confess my love I can't do that.  It will be the end of me! And... ' I looked up at Skylar 'and... The end of our friendship. I nearly blew it at my party.  I don't want to do that again.'

Dark:" Seriously though ,make it easy for yourself. I inject you with sodium thiopental as known as truth serum. Your gonna hurt yourself more if you don't say it...."

He leaned to my ear and whispered

Dark:" even though I already know who you love... But...this is more fun. "

He was right. I started to taste blood cause of me bitting on it so hard to prevent myself to speak.

*Skylar pov*

I couldn't take it , I got off my chair and knee in front of Hazy. Dark didnt stop me this time. He just stood there smiling like he knew something that I don't. I could actually see Abit of spark in her hair so I decided not to touch her. She looked up with so much pain that made me want to cry again. Blood started to drip from the bottom lip.

"... Hazy please don't torture yourself like this... Just tell us who. There is nothing wrong am I right? "

As if by command, Hazy spoke and what she said next surprised me greatly....

Hazy:" I love you Skylar. I'm in love with my princess, Skylar Flame.

*Hazy pov*

I heard footsteps so I looked up painfully and saw Skylar. She looked like she going to cry then she begged me to say. For some reason I gave in and confessed. I looked down right away after confessing. I didn't want to see her face and... Dark made it worse.

Dark:" wow how surpirsing. Hazy is in love with her princess.  Kinds feel this is illegal. Well maybe it is "

The crowd whispered among them. 
I recovered a little and was about to launch a surprise attack at him when suddenly I got electrocuted again by my collar. I screamed in pain and dropped down the ground. I felt I'm being fried then I black out a few second later. 

*skylar pov*

Hazy lied on the ground fainted from the shock

Dark:"I forgot. Every about 10mins?  You will get electrocuted. Unless if I'm happy I might extend your break. "

" what do you mean by that! "

Dark:" means.. "

Dark put Hazy over his shoulder then jumpped back to the center of the ball room.

Dark:" I'm kidnapping her and going make her my pet. "

Dark dodged at Piper swing of her bat.


Piper continue to swing wildly due to her anger which allowed Dark to dodge easily. He blocked a swing then kicked piper in her stomach hard causing her to fly away and landed not far away from me, holding her stomach in pain. Dark winked and waved.

Dark:" bye~"

I ran towards them but got blinded smoke from the smoke bomb that Dark threw. I swing away to make the smoke clear. But they disappered, leaving Hazy's cape. I knee down and hugged the cape tightly, crying hard.

An: wow I acutally torturing Hazy. Which is bad and this is only the beginning. Only way to beat a all powerful Main character is to be cunning and use dirty tricks am I right?  Anyways that's all for now. Have a great day! Kira wolf out! Stay pawsome! ~*wink*

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