chapter 7: Dating without love part 1:Fluzzy feelings

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An :"........" talking
       :'.........' thinking
        Name:........ Means texting
OK that's all enjoy reading
*Hazy pov*

*at a fancy restaurant*
Sitting two tables away from Leonardo, who was wearing a red tuxedo,white collar shirt and pants similar to the one he wore at the fun fair and Skylar who was wearing a white sleeves dress and at the end was faint blue's table they were having a candle dinner.

' After four months and they still doing the candle light dinner thing' I sighed, resting my head on my hand.  I am wearing a dark blue dress that was tie up at the back of my neck and the half of my back was bare and this is borrow from Skylar. As I did not have a single dress, I'm not a dress person but it was a requirement to step in this stupid restaurant.

They did other things also and sometimes I will be the third wheel as Skylar can't go anywhere without me but thanks god to Finn who was sitting across the table wearing a all black tuxedo except his white bow giving a concern look as I sighed.

Finn:" is something wrong?  Do you not like the food? "

He said that as I didn't touch my food. I gave him my fake smile

" yes I don't. Too fancy for me. Just joking "

He laughed even though it was a bad joke.

Finn:" well Finn-ish your food Hazy. My boss is paying for our meals you know "

I raised an eyebrow confused.

" did you just pun? "

Finn smiled. Playfully leading on the table.

Finn:" don't you find it punny? "

I rolled my eyes , deciding to play his game.

" don't Finn-tter yourself" 

He fell back to his seat laughing.

*Skylar pov*

Not even listening to what Leonardo was saying as I had been secretly watching Hazy and Finn. 'Hazy is having fun... ' I smiled sadly then I patted my cheek softly ' why am I sad?  I should be happy. I even went all this dates for her!  And for myself... But... '  I looked at Leonardo who finally stop talking. '... I'm dating him for four months and I still feel nothing. Maybe I need more time. '  my phone vibrated. I checked my message.

Scar:hey it's ready! Get the girl here!

Sky: right ,I'm on my way!

I off my phone. Today was Hazy's birthday and it was really hard to act liked nothing happened.  I managed to keep it down as I wanted to finally be able to suprise her. As I wanted to stand up I saw Finn passing something to Hazy, causing her to raise an eyebrow with curious.  He opened the middle size box and Hazy eyes widen with shock.

Leonardo:" Finn got her a necklace. Cute. I always know that guy like her. Haha it was like love at first sight.  He always like a girl who can fight. And will marry a girl who can beat him. "

".... That's what Hazy say too... "

Leonardo:" oh really?  Then I guess they are fated... "

My chest felt fluzzy inside so I looked away when Finn helpped Hazy put on the necklace. I touched my necklace that was given by Leonardo on our first month anniversary. ' .... Does Hazy feel that way when Leo gives me this? '

*Hazy pov*

Touching the necklace. Looking at him confused.

Finn:" it's your birthday right?  Happy Birthday Hazy. "

"well. At least someone remembered . Not like some people might be too busy with her boyfriend to spend time with me or her other friends. "

Finn laugh :" are you jealous? "

' I? ' even since I got this fluzzy Feelings for Skylar and reasling I might be in love with her at the fun fair. I pressed down all that weird feelings. One, we were both girls. Two, she was technically my boss. My princess and I'm her knight. Body guard there shouldn't be any romantic feelings or relationship in between us. Three, it was an emotion. Having emotion was a weakness. And love was the worst kind of emotion I couldn't have during my duty. Before I could answer him Skylar came to my table.

Skylar:" Haz and Finn are you two done?  I wanna go some where! Apparently Scar just text me to invite us to celebrate wine she created! She wants us to try it first before she publish it in public "

" Skylar you can't drink though "

Skylar pout:" I can! I'm gonna be 18 Anyway! In two months!  Please Haz? "

She was giving me the puppy eyes with her two hands together begging me. ' so cute... '

I stood up nodded. She smiled and grabbed my hand as we went out of the fancy restaurant

*at the entrance of one of the Rose bar. *

I looked around being on High alert as Leonardo talked to his driver with Finn beside him. 'it's too quiet' I openes the door and the lights was off. I took out my metal bracelet ready for anything.

Skylar:" Scar?"

Everything got bright someone have turned on the light

Everyone in the room:" SUPRISE HAPPY BIRTH- AHHHHHHH!!!! "

As With an instant I called out k1R4 and shot at the cabin of wine bottles and glass and wine was everywhere as I was surprised really surprised. I looked sheepishly at them.

Skylar:" I will pay for the wine bottle! "
saying directly to Scarlett who frown slightly to the broken bottles. Then she continue

Skylar :" is anyone hurt? "

They shaked their heads. The party was small with a few people. Scarlett, Flora, Piper ,Scarlett's sisters, jade and Hana , Flora's brother Jack.

" I'm really surprised. I didn't know there will be a party. I mean I'm suprise Skylar didn't say anything about it."

I said that as I change back my wepon. Skylar pout.

Skylar :" I can OK! Cuz I have them to help me so it's a success! "

" you can't use this trick twice you know that. "

Skylar just stick out her tongue.

Jade:" OK hazy for breaking our cabin of wine we are going to make you drunk!"

I laughed been trained to hold my alcohol since young. I know it's illegal and not good for a kid but you never know who will tried to drug me. I smirk.

" you can try~ and Skylar you have school tomorrow acutally we all do so don't drink too much. Especially you Skylar. Two cups or three at most. I don't want you get a hang over. "

Skylar giggled, nodding. :"OK I know. You too ,don't drink too much I know you can hold your alcohol well but I don't want you to get hang over. "

" I know I'm on duty anyways "

After saying the party started
An: lol I realise I forgot to publish chapter 6. I can't believe to write a chapter today it's kinda short sorry about that. Next chapter will have more juice in it. And a spoiler alert for those who actually read author's notes. There will be a creep in the next chapter. Now have a great day!  Kira wolf out!  Stay pawsome!~ *wink*

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