chapter 15: princess and her knight part 2, Dancing their life away.

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An: oh my god it's starting soon!!!  The end is coming!!!  The part I was thinking so much about before I started writing this story!!!  OK sorry. I'm done. Enjoy reading.
*Skylar pov*

I was standing at the entrance greeting the many guests with my seven body guards and Piper to take Hazy's place as she was changing with the help of Flora. The day before , I requested Flora to do me a favour. Which was to dress Hazy up nicely for the dance. The reason was I wanted to ask Hazy to the dance. I would like to be the one wearing the suit but my father won't be please with me. He was already not please that I was not taking Leonardo to the dance and not told him who was I going with to the dance. So I didn't want to make father more angry than he was now. Piper tapped on my shoulder to break my trail of thoughts

Piper:" hey miss hero ~ I mean princess. Your father is calling you. "

I giggled to my nickname that she gave me since that incident with her and penny. I nodded and walked passed my body guards. At my corner of my eyes I saw that they have a collar sticking slightly out from their bow tie. ' a new desgin of The company? But the only newest desgin is hazy's wepons. Now she doesn't have to carry so much wepons on her'  . I continue to walked to my "Thorne" well acutally my chair. It was just designed in medieval era. Our 100th anniversary party theme was a mix of medical era and modern. Everyone looked good in their medical era or modern or both style clothing.

A guy in a black suit:" hello everyone and welcome to the Flame creation company's 100th anniversary party!  I am your host George Anson! First let's start with the dance! The Flame family? Would you like to start? Tonight who will Miss Skylar Flame Dance with? "

I did invited Hazy's family but they were around the world busy with their private jobs and Hazy didn't mind as she knew they were busy. My family got off our chairs and head to the center of the ball room. My father kept on looking at me with a curious look, wondering where was my dance partner.  I was about to start panicking when the doors suddenly opened. The spot light shine on that person who I was waiting for. I smiled happily.

Hazy:" sorry I was late "

*Hazy pov*

"why am I wearing this again? Flora?"

Talking to Flora who was behind me making last adjustment to my cloak. I looked myself at the mirror amazed at how I looked. Flora placed her hand on my shoulder.

Flora:" well Skylar requested it so I am here to help. You have to look good after all. And you look wonderful. Like a knight or a prince! "

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled softly. ' a knight yes.. A prince....? I could dream. '

Flora:" oh my god the dance is about to start!!!! You need to run now!!! "

I obeyed her and started to run. It took me less than five minutes to reach to the ball room. I slammed the door open Abit too hard as everyone was looking at me and a spot light was on me too. I looked over at Skylar. Beautiful in her simple night blue dress and gloves with the fascinator on her head that was given by Flora. She smiled happily and me that made me smile as well. She walked towards me,  I too walked towards her.

*Skylar pov*

I watched my knight walked towards me as I walked towards her. Hazy was wearing a white collar shirt with a night blue tie over it was also a night blue tail tip coat that cover her black belt and white pants. Last but not least. A white collar cape which could be remove by unlocking the chain from a lock that was shaped as a burning nut the Flame Company brand on her right shoulder and her fedora hat with wolf's ears on her head. She looked how she normally dressed but she still looked amazing. We stopped right in front of each other.  I heard some whispering.

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