Chapter 24: Hospitalized part 1, never leaving.

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An: enjoy! I feel I have make a mistake that I don't know some where. Comment if you saw it!
*Skylar pov*

'... Oww.. My head... ' I rubbed my head wondering if I had been drinking last night. ' I'm never drinking again.'


I called her out without opening my eyes.

May:" sweetie? "

I opened my eyes right away I looked around then to my mother who was sitting beside me.

"... Mother?  Where am I? Where is Hazy? Did I drink too much that I end up the hospital?!"

I covered my face and started to panic.

" I'm sorry mother I promise I wouldn't drink again. I drink so much that I dream something...  Weird...  And...  Bad. That Hazy got kidnapped and-"

I got interrupted by my mother patting my head. She had not done this since I was 12.  For some reason I had a bad keeping something happened and it was related to my dream.

" it's not a dream is it, Right Mother?"

She shaked her head and then placed her hand on my cheek.

May:" Hazy is....  Alright. But she is now in a coma due to lose of blood. She nearly didn't make it as she lose so much blood but I feel that she pull it through for you. "

I looked down on my hands. Then I looked out of the window. It's day already.

" how long....Was I asleep mother? "

I said that without looking at her.

May:" one day sweetie. "

" I would like to be discharged as soon as possible mother and I would to go to school too by tomorrow. "

I looked back at my mother.

" please? I have the end year  examination coming in 2 months. I don't want to fail mother. "

My mother thought for awhile before she smiled.

May:" promise me you wouldn't exhaust yourself OK? You must take a break once in awhile, alright?"

I hugged my mother hard. Other than Hazy, mother knew me well. That I was going to use studies to keep myself busy from all this.

*Next day*

I am parked Hazy's bike, Grey Sky I named it at the open car park next to the hospital. I decided to visit Hazy as Father didn't allow me to go to school straight away. I was mad at first but once I heard his reasons. I guess it made sense. He wanted me to company Hazy as much as I could before I buried myself with school. So I got a day off before I start school the next day. Walking towards her room thinking how right My father was. He knew I might regret it that I didn't spend with Hazy but that's not the only thing he talk about. I stopped outside of Hazy's room that was guarded by two guards. They recognized me and stepped aside. I went in.

I saw Hazy lying on the bed. I sat down on a chair beside her bed. Her torso area was heavily wrapped with bangles. Her right eye had been cover with an eye patch. I brushed a stray hair away from her sleeping face. I was alone here as the others have school. Suddenly I thought back of the conversation Father and I had.


*the day before*

I was discharged and company home with My Mother. I headed straight to My Father's study room.  now I was in his study room, he was sitting behind his desk as I sat in front of it.

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