chapter 23: she needs you part 2," I don't want to lose her"

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An: I bleed while writing this piece of beautiful shit 😂
*Skylar pov*

Hazy:" it will be alright I will be done soon.. I will make them pay for what they done... "

She did what she did 5 years ago. Cover my eyes with a tie.I wanted to grab her hand but she walked away before I could. 

"Hazy... Hazy!!"

My voice was still soft so my calls couldn't reach her and my body was still weak and bruised especially below my waist. ' why am I so useless... But... He deserves it all of them do. Am I right? I didn't want blood to be spill. But... But' I hugged my knees, wrapping Hazy's cape around me tightly. ' am I just as bad as them? Stupid me why am I such a good hearted person?  I even pity the person who rape me and harm Hazy'  I thought as I heard the scream of pain from Finn. I realised something. I just wanted Hazy back, I just wanted to be in her arms. Other things didn't matter to me. I just wanted Hazy and if this made her happy it was fine. I removed Hazy's tie and saw Finn in a bloody mess and She was going to do what ever she did to Finn on Leonardo but stopped by a person barging in and shouting

The person:" FREEZE!!! "

*Hazy pov*

Since Finn couldn't defend himself with his arms broken it by me so my job became very easy for me. I cut his shirt opened with my knife then started to craft words on his chest. I crafted the words out "DOG" . I was still grabbing Leonardo by his neck with my other hand. Hard enough to hold him but not hard enough to kill him.

Leonardo:" let him go!! Your bitch!  You took my Angel's Heart!  You still want to take him away from me!? "

I tighten my grip on His neck.

" hey don't worry your next "

I was about to do something to him when suddenly someone barged in and shouted freeze. '.... The police? '

*Scarlett pov*

" it's been an hour already. I'm calling "

I said that as I paced back and front in the living room with Skylar's parents who were currently now both worried for Skylar and pissed at us.

Alec:" you should! You should have call her 30mins ago!!!"

Flora came in to my rescue:" well she might be in the middle of bargaining. If we called and cops start to show up. Both your daughter and body guard will be in danger. "

Mr Flame grumbled but he agreeded with her.  It was kinda funny how we got caught.  We didn't realised there were security cameras in the garage. I think Skylar didn't know that or else she wouldn't ask to meet us there. But it seem Mr Flame didn't rush down and stop her when he knew what Skylar was going to do and only come down to "caught" us in his garage when she left. I guess he kind of knew that Skylar will do this sooner or later and trusted her. Of course we tried to lied our way through but he showed us the footage and we couldn't said anything else. Instead of killing us, he invite us to his living room to wait.

" I'm calling now. "

As planed, I called the cops after one hour. I just hoped that Skylar is fine.

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