Chapter 5: weekend's freedom part 2, the beast and the beauty.

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An: " ......" talking
"......" thinking
Enjoy reading

*Skylar pov*

Someone removed ear pieces and unblindfold me. I blinked a few times seeing a male police officer.

Male police:" Miss Flame are you o-"

female voice:" oh my god. one person did all this? "

he was interrupted I assumed was his partner who was standing beside him, looking at the scene of crime. But mostly looking at one thing. I turned around to see what she was looking at. My eyes widen with horror. I saw Hazy's foot was on his neck with a shotgun in his mouth or what's left of his mouth. His top part of his face had been blast away by the shotgun. Then I looked at her. Her blue eyes have become dull almost murdererness with a smile on her face and blood of her victim and hers was on her uniform almost look like a serial killer.

"Hazy!! "

I called out her name ' I do not want to lose her! ' as I got up wanting run towards her but get stop by the male police as he gripped my forearm

*Hazy pov*

I felt weird... My vision is blurry. 'my right eye can only see red.... Am I bleeding? 'I looked at half blasted away head feeling myself smiling without me knowing

Skylar:" Hazy!!!"

I turned towards the Skylar. I couldn't see their faces properly. But I know the blonde hair girl was Skylar and she was struggling to get away from a brown hair guy in blue clothing. I growled with rage accidentally pressing too hard on the neck that it crushed under my shoes.


Pulling out the shotgun from the blonde hair guy's mouth I charged at the brown hair in blue clothing. I held the shotgun like a bat and swing it across his face causing him to let go Skylar. Then I kicked him in his guts making him crash into his female partner. I was about to charge at them when I felt a pair of soft arms wrapping around my waist.

*Skylar pov*

I was shock that Hazy would hit at police officer but at closer look her right eye is cover with her blood that is flowing from a cut on her eyebrows. So the reason she wack him was she couldn't see properly. Feeling she might charged again, I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"STOP!! stop. ... Stop... please Haz? "

By hearing my voice I felt her relaxing a bit for awhile before she tensed up again. She removed my hands from her waist, turning around to look at me.

Hazy:" why are you trying to stop me. They hurt you they-"

She stop talking as I placed both my hand on her cheek then I placed my forehead against hers.

I whispered softly for her to listen only :" Haz.... I'm OK. I'm alright. You have taken care of all of them . You have protected as you say you would..."

Hazy finally, sigh with relief. Her eyes that was dull with a hint of murderness disappered from her eyes.

Hazy:" and I will continue to protect you and your smile. "

After finishing saying that. She collapsed on her knees and if it wasn't for me still holding on to her, she might fall flat on to the ground. Hazy grab my sleeves panting in pain. I forgot that she is bleeding.

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