chapter 8:Dating without love part 2, love bites ~ and hard cold hate

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An:"......" talking
       '......' thinking
Warning there is a slightly smut/ lemons. Maybe too much for some readers. That's all. Enjoy reading.
*Hazy pov*

We ate the cake and opened my gifts the usual birthday party thing. Flora gave me the newest hat design made by her. I felt so honored to be the first person to wear it but I could only wear it In public if I am willing to be her model for the hat which was funny. It's supposed to be a gift but I agreed Anyways.   Jack gave me a black triangle scarf with "I do bite" Jagger sewing on it.  I didn't know Jack is into sewing as he is all muscliar but I think it ran in the family. Hana gave me a painting of me on the first day in school during combat class. I'm amazed by its beauty and curious how she knew how I look like during the first day. She explained Skylar have taken a picture of me and sent it to Her as she requested for one.

Scarlett gave me a CD of my favourite band set it off. Jade Gave a bottle of the one of the oldest wine that she had still wanting to get me drunk. Piper gave me matching t shirt with besties Written on it and I joked I'm gonna burned it.  And last but not least Skylar's gift , She told me to unwrap it when we got back home as she was shy. Though other urged me to open it I decided not to.

It's 11pm already. Jade wasn't kidding of wanting me to get drunk. After  two bottles I'm still not drunk feeling only Abit hot. Though I'm having fun, I'm still on my guard.  constantly watching over Skylar who was at the bar stand with Scarlett who was behind the bar stand and Leonardo sitting beside her and Finn beisde him. while I'm at the couch with jade, Hana, flora and Piper who was dead drunk. Jack left early as he had work the next day. Scarlett stood up and walked towards our table

Scarlett: " so did you get her drunk yet? Sis? "

Jade frown:" n.. Nooo ~ I haven't..."

Jade was drunk already but still trying hard to make me drunk. All I could do is laugh. Suddenly I stop laughing as I saw Leonardo's hand reaching for Skylar's butt. I felt fluzzy inside I throw these feelings aside , knowing that Skylar did not want to be touched Even by her own boyfriend without her permission. I ran towards Skylar and slap his hand away

" what are you doing!? "

I swore Leonardo glared at me but I couldn't confirm it as Finn grabbed my wrist staring at me

Finn:" do not touch my boss. And they are couples they can do what they want. "

I grabbed Finn other hand then slammed my forehead against his. He let go of my hand and fell backwards, tripping and landed on his butt. Then I stepped on his hand before kicking his face with my other foot.

" I don't think she will like what Leonardo did to her without her permission."

Leonardo looked shock he rushed to Finn side as I walked to Skylar's side. I shook her shoulder gently

"Skylar? Princess?... Wake up."

I looked at the cups on the table. ' three cups and she is down? '

Skylar suddenly got up. I sigh with relief. she turned around placing both of her hands on me cheeks making me looked at her. 

Skylar :" I ... I... you.... Do you.... know that? "

Everyone looked as shock as I did at what Skylar had said even if she was drunk. I pulled away from her and took out my phone texting the driver that we needed a drive home.

" You drunk Skylar. I'm gonna text the driver to pick us up and no Leonardo your not gonna bring us home. Thanks but not thanks. Drive Finn to the hospital I think I broke his hand."

I said that as I got a feeling that Leonardo might offered us a ride home but I don't trust him. 'Those lust eyes again....'  Suddenly Skylar wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me hard. I didn't know what to do at that moment and I bet flora was taking a picture of us but I could worried that later. I removed her hands from my neck and pull back the kiss.

" Skylar your so drunk that you mistake me as Leonardo!"

I received a text from the driver saying he was here. ' Thks god for his speed.. '. I carried her. Place my right arm under her butt and my left hand on her back to support her. I said my goodbyes to my friends and ignored Leonardo and Finn.

Once we were out of the door and I was about to enter the car suddenly Skylar grabbed my shoulders and sucked my neck hard. I bite the bottom of my lips to prevent to what it seem to be a moan. Once she pulled back I hurried open the door and dropped her on the car seat and got in the car rubbing the area Skylar have sucked.

*at the gates of The Flame's mansion*

I carried Skylar bride style so she won't have a chance to do anything on my neck. But nope , she wrapped her arms around my neck tightly and bring herself up to my collar bone bitting and sucking it.

"... S... Stop Skylar... "

Bitting the bottom of my lips again.
I knew she won't understand so I quickly hurried to her room so I could drop her there. I kicked Skylar's door open and kicked it again to close it. I put her down on the bed softly but she didn't let me go. She pulled me on top her.

Skylar:" I love you...  I love you so much... "

I clenched the bed sheets with rage. All the weird feeling was raising again. She looked at me with so much love but I knew she was drunk. I cried a little. Skylar flipped me now I'm under her and continue her work on my neck and my collarbone.  Leaving hickies and bite marks on me liked she was marking me as hers. I grabbed her shoulders hard but not enough to hurt her. ' I don't want her to do this to me when she is drunk but...  It's the only time I can live my dream... Just once.. What should I do?... '

*Mystery pov*

I clenched my teeth with anger sitting on my couch.Then I stand up roaring with rage throwing the bottle I'm drinking onto the floor. The glass bottle scatter everyone.

A guy in black suit wearing a black mask that only cover half his face:" I'm sorry master. Because of my flaws you have fail. "

I punched him :" I didn't fail! It's just set back... "

Feeling bad for what I did I patted his face.  My loyal henchman, Dark.

" it's not your fault. That girl is too on guard. It is harder to break her defend then I thought. She is the only thing that is blocking me to my angel's heart...  Oh my beautiful angel... Even since I see you... "

I move away from dark and danced around happily, imagining I'm dancing with her.

" I know your the one for me. No one is able to make me feel this way.  we will be together forever and forever ~ and anyone who get in my way... "

I stopped dancing , walking to the table i was sitting next to and grabbed a knife from my pocket. There was a picture on the table and I stabbed it.

" will die.... But of course let's be civil... We don't need another dead body don't we? "

Dark nodded looking at the picture. Actually liking at who I stabbed of course he knew so well who I stabbed. I left the room I was in, leaving Dark behind.

And the person I stabbed on the picture was a girl with black shoulder length hair and cold blue eyes....
An: got to say. It's a not bad chapter! What you guys and girls think? If your crush is drunk and wanna sleep with you will you do it with them? For those who did read my notes in my previous chapter I did promise a mystery guy/creep and there is have it! That's all for today. Have a great day! Kira wolf out!  Stay pawsome ~! *wink*

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