chapter 27: A future with you and me.

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*Skyalr pov*

I rested my head on the table, waiting for Hazy who was sitting a few tables in front of me with Mr Tan who was teaching her math. Hazy was having after school classes and Today was math. I decided to wait for Hazy so we could go home together even though she said otherwise. I mean I couldn't help it. I wanted to be with my girl friend.

Some days I had music club and yes I decided to join it as Hazy talked me into it. Today there was no music club so I stayed here and waited for her. Normally other studnets were not allowed but since I am quiet and I won't disturb Hazy the teachers allow me. As expected Hazy was a fast learner. She caught up pretty fast well and also she was very hard working too. She have been studying because she told me.

Hazy:" I don't want to stay back a year. I want to be with you"

I blushed remembering what she said . I didn't know Hazy was such a romantic person. Even since we have been together in couples term. She didn't really changed which was a good thing. The only different was, she was more romantic and gentle almost like wife material. '.... My wife...' I blushed to that thought. ' oh my god Skylar Flame.... ' All I could hope that she could graduate freshman year as I day dream my future with Hazy.

*time skip*

*skylar pov*

Scarlett, Flora, Piper and I waited at the school gate for Hazy. I was getting worried that Hazy might not make it no matter how hard she studied as she was called by the principal. Today was the day we will get our results. I did well of course so did Flora. Scarlett and Piper got an average.

Hazy:" Princess!! Guys!! "

I turned around hearing Hazy's voice. She was running towards us looking really happy. Once she reached infront of us, she showed us her results.

Hazy:" I did wonderful! Principal wanna see me because he wanted me to be in the school magazine and to be the representive for next year's open house. "

I hugged Hazy tightly. Not only she did almost as good as me which was amazing. I mean she was in a coma for a month but I guess it didn't really affect her that much. She also got to represent the school.

"My Hazy is amazing as always. "

I didn't realised I said that out loud.  when I said that, Hazy blushing  while the other three giggle. Piper wrapped her arm around Hazy's shoulder.

Piper:" Aww bestie is blushing. Miss hero! You give bestie a pat on the head to reward her for good job! "

Hazy flicked her forehead hard that cause Piper to remove her arm to rub her forehead.

Hazy:" I am not a do-"

I unconsciously patted her head. She almost look like a puppy and If she would have a tail.  It will be wagging hard with happiness. I blushed at the sight. Hazy frowned a little, realising what she have done. She looked away blushing slightly with embarrassment as she smacked my hand away softly.

Hazy:" I'm not a dog Skylar...."

I went on my tip toe and kissed her forhead.

" your my Puppy" 

I heard an " Aww " from the other three. I couldn't help to blushed deeply. ' god I love her so much. ' little did I know that Hazy was thinking the same thing as me as well.

*time skip*

*Skylar pov *

" ..... I'm glad that we have a deal. I hope we will have a successful collaboration. "

I stood up, quickly shaked the hand of my new business partner who seem to be shaken a little. He hurried remove his hand,clearing his throat looking nervously behind me?

Business partner:" yes. So do I!  If there Is nothing I will excuse myself !"

Before I could say anything, he left the room. I sighed. I turned around, looking at My dear Hazy.

" Hazy. One of these days you will scare my potential business partners. "

She looked away, frowning a little.

Hazy:" I don't like the way he looked at you. I'm just sending clear signals that your taken. "

I walked towards her and placed my hand on her right cheek. I rubbed the scar on her right eye. I guess the scar could intimate people but not me of course. I kissed her softy. She returned a kiss. Then she took my hand and kissed the ring that I was wearing. Hazy had propose to me on my 26th birthday, few months ago.

" I think he can clearly see I am not single Since I'm wearing our engagement ring. "

Hazy laughed blushing slightly then placed her forehead against mine. I held her hand. Our rings reflected light from the sun.

Hazy:" I love you Princess.. "

"I love you too Haz...."

'A future with Me and You... '
An: Yay!!! A short and sweet ending to end the whole book!  I really have a lot of fun on this book. It make me cried, laughted and most importantly rage. You can ask my girl friend about it. Speaking of her I would like to thank her. She is my motivation to write a story. I have alot a plot. Like too much. But I'm abit shy to share. My insecurity!!  Curse it. So this first book of Mine, I dedicate to you YummyYuri43. I will do a character list before I click compete for this story. A bit like a summary and things to know about the characters. Then maybe I will write smut/ lemons in the sin book ( I'm gonna name it that ) and also start off a new story. I'm still thinking which to start ( I have been thinking which to write for a while already. ) one more thing. To those who actually read author's notes. Thank you very much. Anyways have a great day! Kira wolf out! Till next time!  Stay pawsome!~ *wink*

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