chapter 26: Hospitalized part 3, love blossom in the hospital

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*Skylar pov*

Hazy was now sleeping in her ward.  She was sleeping in the car and so Piper and Scarlett had to carry her here. The guards at the door was surprised to see us bring Hazy back to her ward as they didn't see Hazy left the room. I looked out of the window 'Thks god we are at level two... '

I wished that she would wake up soon. I was just scared that she won't wake up again. Piper, Scarlett and Flora were answering question from Holly Van. In the car Piper told me that they were capture by Leondaro and they managed to escape thanks to Piper who had a switch blade in her back pocket. But she didn't come to my rescue right away as she was busy freeing Scarlett and Flora even though they said to piper to help me first. But she thought that it was her duty to protect them. She almost sound like Hazy. And of course I won't blame her for not coming to my rescue. Scarlett and Flora were first priority. I lied my head on the bed.

"please wake up soon Hazy I don't want to lose you again."

*Hazy pov*

Skylar:" please wake up soon Hazy I don't want to lose you again"

I heard Skylar speaking. '....Skylar? '
I opened my eyes slowly looking around reasling I was in my ward. I sat up slowly.

Skylar:" Hazy!?  Let me help you "

She helpped me sit up before sitting down again holding my hand with both her hand.

Skylar:" I was so scared you won't wake up again... "

" don't worry. I am just resting I am still a injure person. "

She stood up and then kneed down on me with my legs in between her. She placed her hand on my cheek and caresslesly touched my eye pad.

Skylar:" thanks god you didn't lose your eye. It will leave a scar of course but better than losing an the way the doctor say you can remove it once you are discharge. "

I looked at her with a burning question at the tip of my tongue but I didn't dare to say. After awhile I mustered my courage and asked.

"Why did you kiss me, princess? "

She put her hand that was on my cheek on my stomach.

Skylar:"because I love you. I have loved you since young. And only reasling it now. How I always wants you around me. And when that accident kiss happened I never feel the same. My heart flatter when your around, feel jealous when you are around other people especially Finn. I thought you liked him because you smiled at him. A smile that you only give to me... Then when you were force to Confess to me my heart burst. After that when you were kidnapped all I think is You, my heart aches for you. I even wear your cape... "

Skylar touched the collar of the cape. I remembered that cape. I wore that during the 100th anniversary party. Then she continued .

Skylar:" Then realization hit me like a truck. If I don't love you more than a friend I won't feel all that... So..  I love you Hazy... "

I placed my hand on her cheek, smiling looking in her grass green eyes. I was moved by her words.

" I smiled that time because his begging position reminds me of you. When I have to wait for you for about an hour cuz you have clubs. That why I smiled.... My heart flatter for you at the fun fair. When I realise I'm in love with you. But I feel it is wrong so I keep it in me. I guess I didn't do a good job at keeping it cause Finn manged to used it against me. But if he didn't force me to confess, you won't have return those feeling and I will die slowly with heart ache thinking I will never have you..... And don't forget Piper if she didn't smack me on to you. We won't know we have feelings for each other "

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