chapter 16:The 100th anniversary party

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An: sorry I take so long. Here you go! I will talk more at the end of the chapter.
*Skylar pov*

After the dance, we started to celebrate my birthday. But it was boring and short as the main event was about 100th anniversary of Flame Creation Company. I only received gifts which was not half bad. Hazy was going to preform tonight right after the band. Kind of showing off her skills and Flame Creation's newest product. It was only a year ago so it still considered new. I looked away from the preformation and looked up at Hazy who was standing beside me.

" are you nervous? "

*Hazy pov*

Skylar :" are you nervous? "

I looked down to look at Skylar and nodded

" kind of... I fight because of training and most of the time protecting you. I don't fight to preform for people you know... I'm afraid I might not do a good job.. "

She grabbed my hand that cause me to relax a little.

Skylar :" you will do just fine. I love it when you fight. If they don't love it. Don't care about them.  "

I nodded. What she was right. I did it for Skylar not for others. The band stood up and bowed. I then stood in their place in the center of the ball room.

George the host:" wow what a great performance don't you think?  Next up Hazy Alix will show off the Flame Creation Company's product. The casual! "

Once he said finish, the floor shifted in the middle of the ball room. Four transparent bullet proof wall rose up making a box.  George walked around the crowd and randomly picked four people. Two girls and two guys. They stood beside the Flame family. After that George passed them each a small box that was about palm size.

George the host:" pick a level 1 to 10. And of course don't pick level 1  it's Abit to easy for An Alix, am I right? "

I laughed looking at him.

" I'm only here to show the products of Flame Creation."

Skylar:" but if all four of you pick level 10 and injure Haz. I don't think I will let you leave from here alive"

The four chosen laughted nervously then picked their level then threw into the box. Four robots was form from the  little boxes. On their chest state the levels of difficulty. I'm not new to these robots. I used to train with it when my mom passed away. I raised an eyebrow with curious. One of the robot states "level 10" on his chest. While the rest was 5,7,4

" oh that's interesting. A level 10"

They went into battle stands. Each stood at a corner. I pulled up my sleeves to above my elbow. 


My right hand wore a a black Gauntlet.  The level 5 robot charge at me. It threw it fist at me I grabbed its fist with my left hand and pulled towards to me then turned around and flipped it down on the ground. Still holding it's hand, I slammed my gauntlet to its face crushing it. Its eyes went lights out. 

'one down'

I heard a swish of wind. I hurried let go off the level 5 and grabbed level 7 sword. I felt bullets hitting on my cloak but since it was bullet proof I didn't get hit ,I only felt the impact. I let go of the sword and dodged downwards to get behind level 7. I call out K1R4 and my Gauntlet into a shotgun. I put the shotgun around level 7 robot's neck and let it took the bullets for me. Level 4 was shooting at me. Once it realise it was not shooting at me it stop firing. I waste no time and place the muzzle at level 7's head and blasted its head off it's body.

'two down'

Then I fired at level 4's chest. It fall back slightly. I charged at level 4, it continue to fired at me. I dodged left and right once I'm neared it ,I Jumpped on it. It's fall to the ground. My both foot on its shoulders preventing it to move. Then I aimmed the shotgun at its face then put the trigger.

' three down'

I got off at level 4 and looked at level 10. It was just standing there watching me. I had never tried level 10 the highest I ever go was 8.
' you should always try new things u guess '

*Skylar pov*

Hazy was doing well. Now she was facing a level 10. She had never faced it before. The highest she ever go was level 8. I looked over at my father and whispered to him

"father I think we should stop the show. Hazy never fought a level 10 before...  I'm afraid she might not take it. "

Alec:" she will be fine. She will only come out with a few bruises and you will harm her pride if you just call it off "

I looked back at Hazy watching her looking at the level 10 Robot carefully seeming nervous. I am too Because that robot had not move at all.

*Hazy pov*

Still holding my shotgun. I decided to make the first move. I raise up my shotgun to aim it then fired. My bullet didn't hit the target. Next thing I knew it was behind me. I hurried turned and raise my shotgun just in time to block a punch from level 10. Its strenght was so great that I slided a few metres back. It looked at me for a few second before charging at me with his claws. I hardly use swords but I don't think I have a choice now.

" 4L1S"

My shotgun transformed into a one  handed sword. It wasa one sided blade while the other side was Jagger. The Jagger side was white while the blade and the handle of the sword was black with a rose design on the Handle. I crossed blades with level 10.


The sound of crashing blades. Thanks to my tear proof clothing or I would have alot of cuts. It swung its claw on me I quickly dodged down and thrusted the blade upwards into its shoulder cutting through clean. Then I wasted no time and did the same for the other shoulder. Slowly dislocated the level 10 robot. After I'm done, I panted hard. I ran my fingers through my hair then looked at Skylar smiling.

" done! "

*Skylar pov*

Seeing Hazy dislocated the robot made me imagine if she did that to a real human and not to a bot which made me regret right away. I imagined a bloody scene but thanks to George who broke my trail of thoughts as he started to speak

George the host:" what an amazing performance by Hazy Alix. Expect nothing less from An Alix! "

Hazy rubbed the back of her neck smiling sheepishly. The four walls went down back to the ground.  The cleaners hurried clean the place up.

Hazy was about to walk back to my side suddenly the door slammed open. A black figure walked in.

The black figure:" how could you start the party without me?  My angel...."
An: as I was saying sorry for the late publish I have seriously no idea what to write anymore. I have so much ideas but I can't put them into a story. So I kinda take a break and go by the wind. See what my fingers take me. Until next chapter have a great day!  Kira wolf out!  Stay pawsome ~! *wink* 

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