chapter 11:Hazy's time to shine part 1, To the rescue

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An: may offended some of you pls don't kill me is just part of the story. Now enjoy reading.
*Hazy pov*

I glanced over at Skylar who was looking outside. We haven't talked properly for two weeks. I think she assumed that I excepted her to apologize to me and of course I didn't want it. I knew I was out of line and no matter how I explained she just think I'm saying it as a knight not as a friend. I sighed and when I wanted to speak she beated me into it but her face was fill with worry.

Skylar :" stop the car. "

The driver stopped the car as commended.

Skylar:" I think I saw Piper being dragged away in the side mirror.  Turn the car around please. "

I folded my coat sleeve above my elbow. Once the car made a U-turn , we were back to the entrance of restaurant. Out of the window I saw Piper's cap. I got out of the car and picked up the cap. I looked at Skylar who looked at me too with the thoughts running through our minds

Skylar :" do you have a feeling that Piper is in trouble?"

" yes. I do. Stay in the car Skylar"

I walked towards the direction Piper had just walked. Even when I told Skylar waited in the car she still followed me. Holding my coat, sticking close to me while holding the first aid kit in her other hand. I raised an eyebrow.

Skylar:" just in case you know "

I nodded.

*Piper pov*

I dodged the first swing by the guy infront of me. I couldn't attack as I'm stuck in this circle of death. So I took the risk and punched the guy who looked the weakness among the others. Hard enough to make him step back that broke this circle of death. But all that effort had gone to waste when I had been grabbed from the back by my collar and pulled me back to the centre of the circle. The circle close up again. 'fuck I'm screw ' the guy who grabbed me by my collar still held me as the other nine came close to beat me up. After awhile. I am lying on the floor, feeling pain everywhere with cuts and bruises. I tried to get up but Penny stepped my hand with her heels and it was fucking painful.

"arghhhhhh!!! "

Penny smirked continue drove her heel into her hand. Bitting the bottom of my lip to prevent me to scream in pain.

Penny:" father train you for nothing. To think you have potential. "

Hazy:" of course she does. She just have a useless teacher. "

Penny removed her heel from my hand and stepped back.' I recognize that voice... ' I got up slowly. The circle of death made a Straight line in front of Penny. Someone helpped me to get up I turned to look and realise it was Skylar.

Skylar:" piper it's going to be alright. Let me help you with your wounds. "

I saw her other hand was holding a first aid kit. Then I watched hazy stood in front of us.

"watch out bestie don't let -"

It's too late when penny gestured The ten guys surrounded her. The circle of death. 

Skylar:" don't worry she got this. They are just brunch of hooligans with no skills. Trust Haz. She can do it. Worry about yourself "

I sat down letting Skylar to treat my wounds feeling embarrassed. '... Oh my god her touch is so soft' I mentally slapped myself 'I'm in danger and I'm being gay. ' 

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