chapter 20: the pain she felt part 2, The deals

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*Skylar pov*

" what the fuck do you want!! "

I gripped Piper's phone tighter. Dark laughed at my outburst then stood aside. Hazy was kneeing down on a small pool of what I hope was not blood. Her head down so I can't see her face but I could see large cut marks and whip marks on her shoulder and abit on her back. Some of the cuts and whip marks were still raw and some was still dripping blood.

Dark then walked beside Hazy and grabbed some of her hair to make her look up to the camera. I covered my mouth with one hand and tears was on the brink of coming out when I saw her face. Hazy left cheek have a huge bruise and her right eye was close as it was cover blood. 'My Hazy's beautiful face have been ruin by this man... '

Dark:" I got to say. This is your father's fault. If only he give me what I want, poor hazy won't end up like this. And if only he let you see some of the video chat and messages and let you reply them I might actually be much kinder. But Noooo he won't. So I take it on your little knight here. "

Dark smirked, taking out a small blade and caresslesly stroke Hazy's right cheek with the blade. Hazy flinched to its touch.

Dark:" so this time. I want you.  Don't worry I'm not asking for your body or taking Hazy's place. Hazy might kill me for that if she can get out of these chains with her current state. I want your share of the company. 10% of the company, am I right? It's one fifth of what I want from your father but it's good enough for Me to last for a long time. "

Dark dragged the blade across Hazy's cheek, leaving about a five centimeter cut and he have would done a even longer cut if I didn't scream at him.

" STOP!!! STOP!! OK OK!!!... I will give you... Just... Just don't hurt her. .."

I sank to my knees still holding Piper's phone. Scarlett and Flora hugged me from both side. 

Dark:" alright I will stop. I will sent you the address and the timing. Make sure you come alone. Don't call police for back up or anything. I know that area at the back of my hand. So if I noticed your not alone. I will take her away and give her dead body as your Christmas present!"

I nodded my head. Dark moved the camera away from and headed to another room with it.

Dark:" to make sure you do as I say. I got your ex bf Leonardo too"

I saw a tied up and blindfolded Leonardo kneeing on the ground.

Leonardo:" who are you??!? Let me go! "

Dark then left the room :" he may not be as important as Hazy to you but you still need to take responsibility. I give you three days, don't keep me waiting. If you have realise she is naked. I mean I had to remove them if I want to make her bleed. Those armor is getting in the way of my fun. Anyways any second later than the timing I sent to you... She will not only be bleeding from her wounds but in between her legs. Don't worry if you are on time I promise I will dress her up for you. Bye now my angel! "

Dark winked before ending the chat. suddenly I received a message. I passed back the phone to Piper then check my message. There was a video and an address and the timing below it. I clicked it and wished I didn't click it. It was a video of Hazy being tortured. I closed it and wrapped Hazy's cape around me tighter ,crying my heart out.

*Dark pov*

After I ended the call. I went back into Hazy's room. 

"can't believe your princess still care  for you. "

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