chapter 9: Things have never been the same part 1, The out-burst.

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An:"....." talking
       '.....' thinking
That's all enjoying reading.
*Skylar pov*

*ring* *ring* I slammed my alarm clock to shut it up. I rolled to my back looking at the ceiling touching my forehead. '.... Argh a hangover... ' I suddenly felt like a need to puke , I realized there a trash could beside my bed I hurried got up and threw up in it. Just then hazy came in with a tray of food and drink.

Hazy:" I see you have awake. Thanks god I have place the trash can near you. "

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand looking at her. She was already in her uniform the only different was she was wearing my gift. A Red scarf at the end sew "SFK,HA" it meaned Skylar Flame 's knight,Hazy Alix that she wrapped around her neck.
I smiled happily that she was wearing my gift. Hazy placed the tray on my lap.

Hazy:" Insist of making this breakfast for you by myself. It's fish porridge to improve your appetite and gingle tea to help for your headache." 

" Aww Thks Haz!"

I reached to touch her arm but she dodged it and walked towards the door.  Before she left, she stopped at the door way. 

Hazy:" hurry and eat up then change. We have school today. I will meet you downstairs"

She said that without looking at me or even smiled at me like she normally do. She closed the door.

I felt confuse, I hurried eat so I could go ask her what's wrong. ' did something happen last night? '

*Hazy pov*

After I closed the door. I leaned on the wall beside it and slided down hugging my knee. I didn't get any sleep. I was mostly drinking my sorrow away and that's why I insisted on making breakfast for her. I closed my eyes and recalled what happened last night.


"no! " I flipped her around now I'm on the top. After that I lied on her side and hug her tightly. Her back on my chest. She struggled for awhile before she exhausted herself and fall asleep. I lied by her side for awhile that drag for hours. Hearing her slow breath I snuggle in the back of her neck.' It seem I actually want it...'  After awhile I got up, I looked at the clock beisde her bed. It show 3:10am. I sat on the edge of the bed pinching the bridge of my nose.' since I'm not sleeping I mind as well get up. ' I got up and went to the kitchen to grab a wine glass. Once I got it, I went back to Skylar's room and sat on the chair on Skylar's room balcony. Sipping the wine that is given by jade. Looking at Skylar as she slept. I smiled sadly , without me knowing tears start to roll on my cheek.

" I'm useless... I'm in love with my princess. It goes against to whatever I have been train and taught. All change because of that accident kiss at the dreaming clouds cafe. Stupid Piper. "

Skylar turned around facing me. ' I shall show emotions today and tomorrow I will go back to normal...'

---End of flashback---

I touched my scarf and sighed. I couldn't go back to normal because of all this hickies and bite mouths that reminded me what happened last night that I needed to hide under this scarf. '... She really know how to bite... ' I stood up quickly as I heard her foot steps near the door.

Skylar :" let's go Haz? "

I nodded and walked off first.

*At school during lunch break*

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