chapter 25: Hospitalized part 2,quiet and boring days are over.

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An: Hazy is not a human. 😂
*skylar pov *

".... And so that's how you get the answer!"

I finally finished the last question of my math homework. I was at the hospital in Hazy's ward. I requested for an foldable table to be placed beside Hazy's bed that could be easily kept once it was not use. I requested for that so I could spend more time with Hazy and did my school work at the same time.

I took out my French homework with my right hand from my bag and placed on the table. As my left hand have been holding Hazy's hand. I looked over to her, seeing her sleeping face. '.... So cute...'  I decided to start my French homework later. I turned my body to face her and held her hand with both my hands. I kissed her hand softly.

".... Haz...  I missed you so much. I don't think you want to listen to me talking about my homework don't you? "

It had been a month that Hazy had been sleeping. School was fine. There were whispering behind my back but I didn't care about them. I rubbed the collar of Hazy's Cape. I had been wearing this since her kidnapping and never removed it unless I needed to wash it. But I hardly do that. I was afraid that Hazy's scent on it would go away. Of course I would wash if it stink. I sniffed the cape then I mentally slapped myself.

"oh my god Skylar Flame. Your are being like a creep. Wearing Hazy's cape every single day and night is already a little too much adding this sniffing thing!?  Now that's over broad!"

I lectured myself out loud then sighed again. I placed my hand on Hazy's cheek.

"but I do miss you alot.. "

Everyday during that one month was the same. I went to school then after school I came here to company Hazy as I did my school work. During the weekends, I did my weekend school work here as when and once I was done I would stay with Hazy telling her how my week went or just sat there and quietly look at her.

Scarlett, Flora and Piper did come to visit as well but they couldn't stay long or come everyday. I couldn't blame them. They have their life. Piper had been training hard so she could protect Scralett and Flora liked how Hazy protected me. Flora was trying to create more design to please her mother while Scarlett was creating a new wine and they all also have their clubs too. So basically I was the most free person in the group. I wanted to take over the company early but father would only let me take over once I finished my studies which was when I'm 21. 

I rested my head on Hazy's hand and realised something. I was only a freshman and so many things have happened already. I sighed softly at least I could end my freshman year peacefully. I looked at Hazy. She might need to stay back a year, maybe not too. I mean she was really smart so I guess she had no problem catching up with a few after school classes.

*next day*

Piper placed her hands together, apologizing to me.

Piper:" I'm sorry do you mind waiting for me?  I have a club meeting that last about 30mins. So Please can you wait! "

We were planning to go together and visit Hazy then after that we went and had a girls night out. I was kinda excited. I never did this kind of thing before as I was only out on the weekend and must be back  home before sun set. Well there was a few times I stayed out late but Hazy was there so it was fine.

" sure I will be next to Grey Sky at the school car park. And I do have to wait for Flora and Scarlett too they texted me this morning that they got their club meetings too, I got the feeling that every club have a club meeting. "

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