chapter 13: Hazy's time to shine part 3, her cry of pain.

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An: I know I say I'm taking a break. Not posting like every day one or two chapters. But once I start writing I can't stop so here is another chapter. Enjoy reading
*Hazy pov*

I sighed with relief. I still couldn't believe that Mrs Fai would publish Flora's hat then kicked us all out for my "speech". I lookedover at Flora who was been hugged by Scarlett ' or more like crushed by Scarlett. ' I laughed then I saw Flora suddenly running and jump on me, hugging me tightly still crying.

Flora:" thank you Hazy"

I hugged her back:" there is nothing to thanks I'm just saying what I feel. "

The staff who leaded me and Skylar here leaded all of us to the photography room. A woman with pink hair that was tie into a bun, have dark green eyes and wearing a black glasses was in a middle of a photo shot. She was wearing a white sleeveless t shirt, pale blue jean and brown sandals.  From the corner of her eyes she spotted us.

Photographer:" take five! "

She said that to everyone before walking to us.

Photographer:" hello Mrs and miss Fai. What brings you here? Oh?  A new model? "

She was talking straight to me. Going around me looking almost liked a lioness playing with her prey.

Kelly:" only for Little flower's product. Zena. "

The photographer, Zena nodded.

Zena:" your clothing now Is not bad and you don't need much make up as your naturally beautiful. For a body guard you have pretty face. "

Skylar:" I'm glad you think so. She acutally have a scar on her right eyebrows which she got it 4 years ago. "

As Skylar said that she touched my right eyebrow, brushing it with her thumb that caused me to close my right eyebrow. As she did that, she seem to stiff up remembering the incident. I smiled softly,touching her hand to calm her down and she did.

Zena:" you could to the shot now... Hmmm or.... Oh!  I got it!  Come follow me!"

She grabbed my free hand and dragged me away from Skylar touch.

Zena:" we are going to have so much fun! "

' I'm gonna die.....'

*Skylar pov*

I giggled slightly to Hazy's face it was as if she was thinking ' I'm gonna die' Kelly leaded us to sit on the couch, which was behind the camera stand. ' hmm looks like we will get a full view. '

-after 30mins-

Zena:" We are finish~ but seriously you don't wanna keep your hair long?  It's beautiful ~"

Hazy:" no it's OK. I like it short. "

I was on my phone planning for the party. I only looked up when Piper   spit out the water she was drinking facing behind. I looked at Flora and Scarlett who both seem amazed at something which wass behind us . I turned around and my eyes open wide.  I saw Hazy walking towards the blank wall then stood there watching for instructions. Hazy was in a white collar short sleeve shirt ,she left the first three buttons unbutton,a black tie hanging lose and also have a white collar. That made me giggle abit ' Haz looks like a puppy now' over it was a night blue vest unbutton and a black finger-less glove. A black jean with a chain connecting her white belt and blue sneakers. Of course last but not least, Flora's fedora hat with wolf's ears on her head.

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