chapter 19: the pain she felt part 1, without her

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An: I cried and laughed while writing this. Enjoy reading ~
*skylar pov*

I was sitting next to the window where Hazy used to sit, looking at the garden not paying attention to the lesson that was going since I couldn't look at picture of Hazy and I now even though I missed her so much as we couldn't use phone in class. Some still used their phone secretly but I was not in the mood of getting caught and going detention. I grabbed the collar of Hazy's cape which I had been wearing since her kidnapped and sniffed it. Hazy's scent was fainting but it was there.

Today was the first day I went to school after one week of locking myself in Hazy's room and only opened the door for food which would always be placed outside of the door. My father and mother have try numerous time to go in and talk to me of course I refused to open the door. Surpirsing, father didn't break down the door I guess he knew I needed time to myself. Everyday one or both of them would update me about Hazy's news and well normally there was no news. Sleeping on her bed, wearing her cape might sound creepy but I missed her so much. What made this worse, she confessed... Well acutally force to, her love for me. I blushed hard hiding my face in the collars of the cape.

The gang tried to cheer up come with occasional video chat but sometimes I just rejected them and just continue lying on Hazy's bed looking through our pictures from childhood to now.

'... I miss Hazy... Am... Am I love with her? '

I thought to myself. Before the party I mumbled infront of Leonardo that I might be in love with someone but I didn't know who. After a week of thinking and isolating myself in Hazy's room. I realised the person im in love with and the reason why I couldn't make myself to love Leonardo could be Hazy. I sighed softly.

Because of that incident Father was afraid to hire any bodyguard but he had to, for mine and the family's safety. I mean Dark must be a powerful person if he could... Kidnap Hazy and create a emotion control collar. So He checked every guard once in the while to see if they have the collar or anything that Dark might created to control them.

I looked at the door way of the class room and saw two guards from school. Without Hazy, security here became tighter. Not like I mind. The bell rings and I headed out of the class walking to my next class. At the hall way everyone kept on looking at me then at their phones one of them was about to approach me when Scarlett, Flora and Piper ran towards me waving their phone.

Scarlett:" Sky!!!!!! Look at your phone!!! "

I raised an eyebrow and did as she told me. But I saw nothing. Piper reached to me first and grabbed my shoulders

Piper :" did you see it!?"

" no? I see nothing "

I showed them my phone there was nothing. Piper then showed her phone. My eyes widen with horror. It was a video chat.

Dark:" hi my angel. I have been waiting "

*Hazy pov*

In a room that was light up by a dangling bulb. I knee down close to the wall as my ankles and my wrist was chained to it. It was long enough for me to lie down or to sit on a bucket to do my business. I panted hard in pain as I was electrocuted not long ago. At least it's better than the first two days I was shocked every 10 mins with high enough voltage to hurt me but low enough Not to kill me.

The door opened and Dark came in. He went to the corner to grab the wooden chair that was there and dragged it infront of me. He sat down then grabbed my chin. I let him be as I learnt in the hard way when I tried to fight him or escape. Because of my obedience, Dark did what he promise. Extending the break in between the shocks. He.... Was kinda nice? I had never been kidnapped before and Skylar was never kidnapped, taken away yes but never kidnapped like me now. However, from the stories I heard, they were pretty bad and Dark was pretty nice already.

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