Chapter 6:weekend's freedom part 3, The sparks under the night sky.

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An:"......." thinking
Enjoy reading.
*Hazy pov*

Munching on a donut that I got Piper to buy for me. Scarlett suddenly stood up

Scarlett:" let's go to the fun fair! It's not very far from here! "

I raised an eyebrow ' a fun fair... It's a hot spot for crimes...' I was about to disagree with the idea when Skylar spook up

Skylar:" wow I want to go!" sounding so excited

Scarlett laughed:" you sound like  you never been there before! "

She stop laughing when she saw Skylar look sad and nodding with agreement.

Skylar:" father never let me go anywhere, before the incident.  Thks to that incident, he let me go as long as hazy is around but I decided not too. I have enough drama. And I'm scared... "

Skylar started to tear up.

Skylar :" I still blame myself for the incident. If I wasn't so concern of what people thinks of me.  And just go in the shop with my 6 body guards instead of sending Hazy. They won't have take this opportunity to kidnap me.  And cause Hazy to get hurt in the process of saving me! Cause her to-"

I pushed Piper off her seat, she stood up quickly so she won't fall off. I grabbed Skylar wrist and pulled her off her seat.  Then I placed enough money to cover five people meals. Then I gestured Scarlett and Flora to get up.  I dragged Skylar outside.  once we were out she removed her wrist from my grip

Skylar:" what are you doing!? "

I wiped her tears on her with my thumb.

" let's go to the fun fair. I know it might be dangerous as these kind of places is a hot spot for crimes. But It's not such a big of a deal. I can deal with it ,I will protect you. Andddddd I don't think there is  anyone better than me. If there is  I will marry him"

I laughed at the last sentence. Skylar bite her lower lip thinking.

"I also want to go to the fun fair. Never been one... To be honest. I don't think I have fun before. All I did is training. "

I stenched my hand, giving her one of my rare smiles.

"so... Let's go have fun together!  Don't be scared. I will be here. We will be here "

Scarlett had a thumb up, Flora smiled and Piper made a OK sigh with her fingers.

Skylar looked at them then at me smiling

" so what you say? "

Skylar grabbed my hand then we all walked towards the fun fair.

*At the fun fair*

Skylar's eyes seem to spark with excitement. She almost looked like a child.

*Skylar pov *

" I'm gonna go all the rides. "

Everyone started laughing. We were having so much fun that I didn't realise it was already evening. While Scarlett, Flora and Piper was resting on the benches I look around the fun fair which is light up as the sky is getting dark.

"'s So beautiful!! "

Hazy came back with two corn dogs and gave one of them to me.

Scarlett: " I have never see someone going so many rides and still have the stomach to eat. "

Flora stretched her body.:" I haven't walk this is much since the hiking with my family when I'm 15"

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