chapter 22: She needs you part 1, lost all control.

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An: I suck with titles name. Anyway enjoy reading.
*Skylar pov*

Lying on my side, naked on the ground as I continued to weep. Leonardo was beside, behind my back smoking. I hugged myself tigther, sinking my finger nails into my flesh as I felt dirty. Tainted by that man claiming himself that I'm his future wife after raping me. ' fucking hell.... '

Leonardo:" I see that you all a kinda hard "

Finn laughed hard:" you can't blame them it's a normal reaction for man when they see free porn infront of them. "

Leonardo:" you can have Hazy. All of you. Have fun. We will sit here and watch right wife? "

Leonardo placed his hand on me hand on my shoulder and I shurgged it off, I could feel him frowning at me but he didn't do anything. I saw eight guards walked towards Hazy and Hazy just knee there with her head down. Soon I couldn't see her as she was surrounded by men. I wanted to get up but my body hurt. More tears flow down my cheeks.

"Hazy!!!  Hazzyyyy!!! "

My voice was so soft that it sounded like a whisper due to me screaming during the whole incident. Leonardo just smirk, Watching with amusement.

*Hazy pov*

My body was smoking from the shocks that I got and I was still kneeing on the ground But it didn't matter. ' I will kill him....I will kill him... ' I kept repeating as I watched eight men surrounded me. Two men stepped forward one in front of me and one behind. Finn went next to Leonardo's side. The one infront of me unlocked the huge lock and removed the thick chains but leaving the cuffs on.

When the guard behind me come closer to me I moved back and leaned on him. ' heh just die' I quickly and sneakly steal his gun from his pocket. He was even turn on by my small action that he didn't know what I had done. I smirked and fired his balls, He screamed in pain as he back off holding his balls. Then right away moved the gun upwards and fired the chains of my cuff on my wrist. Almost immediately, I slammed my head on  the guard in front of me nose and with my free hand I steal his army knife and slice across his neck open.  The guard that I shot his balls I shot him in both his eyes and he died on the spot. It seem the bullet went through his eyes then his brains. ' oh well ' Everyone looked at me with surprise as I fired at the chain of my cuff on my ankle and removed the gag from my mouth.

*Third person pov*

Hazy stood in the middle of the what used to be eight man but now become six. Everyone seem surprised by Hazy's action and two dead guards on the floor. Hazy wasted no time and charged at the third guard on her right and jumpped up. Smashing her fist on his face hard. He fell on to the ground making a small crater. Before he could get up, Hazy knee on his shoulders preventing to move. She smiled happily as she stabbed his right eye and pulled it before shooting into the empty eye socket , cutting his scream.

Leonardo was the first to snap out.

Leonardo:" don't just stand there!!! Kill her!!!  Finn! "

When Hazy heard that she licked her lips smiling, eyes dull with murderness. Finn clicked some switch and Hazy was electroded. But instead of falling on the ground and screaming in pain liked it should be. She bended down slightly, covering the right side of her face partly. You could see her still smiling with insanity. As she was been electroded, she charged to a guard near to the other dead guard with his neck sliced open and grabbed his arm. The electricity flow through him, shocking him until he was burned.

Once the shocking period was gone she let him go.  Finn stared at Hazy with shock. Before he could react, Hazy charged at him trying to pass the four guards. All of them charged at her trying to bury her under their weight. However, Hazy stopped suddenly slamming her elbow on the face of a guard that was on her right side. One of the four guards was close enough to trapped her in his arms but Hazy went down and then stand up slamming the back of her head upward on the under side of his chin hard. So hard that his neck cracked. She bite the handle of the knife and stuffed the gun in her combat boots at the same time.  With her left hand, she grabbed his chin and the other hand grabbed his head and twisted it ninety degrees to the right, completely snapping his neck. She dropped the lifeless body and grabbed the knife from her mouth.

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