8: her room

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a/n: after a long break haha school has been the absolute worst, thank you for your patience <3

Lisa POV

Ottoke ottoke?! Think Lisa think!


Jennie called out to me with a confused look on her face. We were standing in the middle of the lobby not moving and my mind was having a war.

Sure i know what room Jennie is in.

But what if Taehyung left his stuff there?

.. I don't think so...

I'm pretty sure he would have took all his things with him.

But even so, all my stuff is in MY room!

How am i going to explain that?

And our rooms are on different levels, i can't possibly transfer all my stuff without Jennie noticing.

And our colleagues! What if they found out i swap rooms, to sleep with Jennie?! Plus I saw Taehyung register his and Jennie's name for the room, what if Jennie somehow finds out?

Aish! What the heck Lalisa what have you gotten yourself into!

I was mentally cursing myself when i felt a soft pair of lips pressing onto mine.

My eyes widened as Jennie pulled back. It only lasted three seconds but it was enough to wreck my train of thoughts.

"Lisayaa~ What are you thinking? Are you okay?" Jennie asked softly.

"W-Wha? O-Oh ye.. yes." I stammered.

She smiled and smirked slightly.

"Didn't know i have such a huge effect on you." Jennie winked as she pulled me to the lift lobby.

Damn how i wish this day never ends.

I never thought i could get so addicted to her soft lips. Her loving gaze. Her wildness. Jennie Kim you're so incredibly perfect.


The lift opened and we stepped inside.

"What floor are we on?" Jennie asked, her finger hovering ontop of the buttons.

"7." I replied smoothly trying to hide away the fact that i was panicking once again about the awaiting issue ahead of me.


We arrived at Jennie's floor and the lift doors opened.

"What roo-" Jennie said.

"704." I replied instantly.

She flashed her amazing gummy smile and hooked her arms around mine as we walked down the corridor of dread.

Please please please prepare me for what's coming God!

"The card is with you." I said smiling nervously.

She searched in her bag and produced the hotel room card as she unlocked the room door.

My heart thumped as i stepped into the room.

I quickly scanned across the room for any signs of Taehyung's stuff.


Now i have to think fast.

"Jen?" I called out to her before she walks further into the room.

"Yes Lisaya?" She turned back and looked at me.

"Do you wanna take a shower first? We're going to be out till pretty late and you'll be too tired to bathe after that, so you should wash up now." I said trying to reason with her.

"Okie!!" She grinned and walked over, giving me another peck on the lips.

My heart did somersaults.

"You're so thoughtful." She said smiling before entering the bathroom.

Wew. Okay Lisa. Calm your gay ass and take quick action!

I took off right after i heard Jennie turn on the faucet.

I entered my room 501 at the 5th floor.

Then i dashed inside and packed up all my stuff in my luggage and brought it up to Jennie's room.

Carefully, i took out some clothings and placed them in the closet and my makeup stuff on the dressing table next to hers to make it seem like ive been sharing the room with her.

After ensuring that everything was settled, i took a deep breath and laid down on the bed.

Good job Lisa! Can't believe you survived that.

Now all i have to worry about is our colleagues.

Aish shouldn't matter, this is only for one day!

After today i'll have to shift my stuff back to my room again and Jennie will forget everything and it will all go back to what it was before.



Jennie came out of the bathroom....

...only wearing a bathrobe.

I gulped.

Oh God not another crisis.

Jennie made her way to the closet which was right infront of the bed.

"Hmm.. what should i wear Lisayah?" She asked with her back facing me oblivious to the tension between us.

Control, Lisa. Control. You have to contro-

Jennie dropped her bathrobe to the floor, leaving her standing naked as she picked out a long white sleeve and a black dress.

My eyes traveled down to her perfectly shaped ass.

Oh God.

I might not be able to stop myself again if this goes on!

"Lisa i asked what should i pic-" She turned around and noticed me gawking at her body.

Now her front was facing me and i think im going to explode.

"Y-yah! What are you staring at pervert!" She shouted, covering her body with the dress she was holding.

"Nothing! I saw nothing!" I yelled shutting my eyes and lying down flat on the bed. My face was heating up badly. Why do you have to do this to me Jennie Kim?!

There was silence.

Then i felt her crawling ontop of me slowly.

Oh god no.

I opened my eyes and almost fainted.

Jennie was hovering ontop of me staring at me seductively as she bit her lip.

"Want something, Manoban?" She whispered, tracing my jawline with her index finger.

"I can give it to you..."

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