38: move in [M]

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Lisa's POV

I dropped Jennie off at her apartment again, following her all the way to the doorstep just to be extra sure that she is back home safely.


Jennie called for me and i turned my head back a little hopeful. I was actually feeling kind of disappointed that she didn't try to hold me back or stop me from leaving this time.

"I was thinking.. you know... i live alone and.. you do too.. so umm... what im tryna say is um..." She said shyly and i tried my hardest not to smile, i knew where this was going.

"Ah well- since you know we'll be hanging out quite a lot, i think it makes life easier if you– move in. Like also because it-will-be-cheaper-since-it-will-be-two-people-paying-rent-instead-of-one-and-convenient-because-you-won't-have-to-drive-to-my-house-and-back-plus-we-go-to-the-same-workplace." Jennie recited at high speed as if afraid someone would interrupt her from speaking.

I held my silence for a couple of seconds with a straight face.

"But i mean.. i guess.. if you're not comfortable with it then its okay..." She said disappointedly when she noticed my blank expression.

"Goodnight, drive safely. Thank you for today." Jennie said and sighed.

Then i couldn't hold my bubbling laughter any longer and rushed to tackle her into my arms, carrying her bridal style towards the bedroom and her giggling madly.

Then i couldn't hold my bubbling laughter any longer and rushed to tackle her into my arms, carrying her bridal style towards the bedroom and her giggling madly

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"Yah Lisayah!~ What are you doing~?!" She screamed as she clung onto me tightly.

I carried her into her room and placed her down on the bed carefully, getting on top trapping her so she could only squirm underneath me.



"Okay... what?"

"I'll move in with you." I said.

Jennie looked at me surprised and in disbelief.

"Jinjja? You'll really move in to live with me at my apartment? Here?"

"Yes." I confirmed and earned a gummy smile from her. Her eyes sparkled in excitement and joy.

To be honest i had a different plan and i wasn't ready to reveal it yet because i feel that it would be too much of a rush and i didn't want us to make any decisions that would lead to regrets. But for now i would give in to her and live at her place.


My train of thoughts collided and crashed as soon as i heard her use my favourite endearment. I haven't heard it since a year ago.

"You know i really love it when you call me that." I said lowly.

Jennie smirked.

"Oh yeah? Well then hon..."

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