13: christmas event

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Jennie's POV


Lisa had finally calmed down which was a great thing because she was really worrying me earlier on. She kept insisting that she was fine and we should quickly get our tickets before they were sold out. But i couldn't help wonder.. why did she suddenly break down? It really hurt me to see her in that state. And i don't even know the reason behind it, she refused to tell me.

Whatever it is.. i will find out by today. Or i might never know since tomorrow, i will forget everything that had happened today. I still have to figure that part out....

"Nini? We can go now." Lisa called out waving her hand with a pair of tickets infront of my face.

I blinked a few times as if coming out from a trance. Wow it's pretty hard to get used to a hot girlfriend. Does she really look this good all the time? Or is it just today that she looks especially fine? I wouldn't even know dang.

We walked in the entrance of the christmas event. It was filled with multi-coloured lights and short christmas trees and wreaths that were carefully arranged alongside the pathway. A group of people dressed up as elves were singing a carol in a corner. Lisa was busy snapping pictures of the view and some of me, but she was never in any.

Oh she will be. I thought to myself.

There was no way i would miss this chance of taking a photo with her.

"This is beautiful." I breathed.

It was true, the arrangement of everything was meticulous and spectacular. If it was pretty in the brochures, it was a hundredfold in real life.

"Indeed. But you are more." Lisa replied.

I blushed. Oh god can she not. Why is she so cheesy?!

"Yahh. Don't be cheesy." I smacked her arm lightly and she chuckled.

The lights seem to go on forever. I spotted some intricate ice sculpture designs along the way. Daebak. These ice sculptors really know what they are doing. There was a pororo ice sculpture that lit up in a warm blue light. Funny how they don't melt.

"Lisa-yah, isn't it cool how the ice sculptures don't melt? The light looks warm inside of them." I voiced out.

"Hmm maybe its because they are fake ice nini." Lisa said laughing.

"Ani! I read in the brochure it says that the sculptors made these out of real ice!" I said.

"Jinjja?! That's very impressive then!" Lisa said shocked.

I smiled. Her reaction was as cute as a child's.


We wandered deeper into the event, stopping every now and then to take pictures.

"Oooh look! What's that?" Lisa said pulling me along with her hastily. I realized this girl enjoys pulling me a lot.

"Yahh Lisa slow down!" I said laughing as she hurriedly rushes to a booth selling ornaments.

"Wow these are really pretty." Lisa said picking up a handcrafted hairpin.

"Yes i made them myself." The girl behind the booth said smiling and winking at Lisa.

Lisa blushed.

Excuse me?! Is this girl actually flirting with MY Lisa? And did Lisa just blush because of that girl?! Is she looking for a death wish!

"Look nini aren't these pret—" Lisa stopped mid sentence when she looked up at me and saw me glaring at her.

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