10: amusement park [M]

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Jennie's POV


"Yaahh Lisaa-ah where are we goingg?" I whined.

I kept pestering her since we left the hotel room. I really didn't want to go out anymore after our hot session earlier since i felt a little bit sore.

Lisa didn't want to tell me where we were heading and it just led a growing excitement in me.

"Come on we're almost there! It will be lots of fun!" Lisa said energetically.

It was amazing how she could turn from a sexy dominating figure to a 5 year old quickly.

"Aishh it better be!" I complained.

*Moments later*

"Are you serious Manoban?" I said.

"Yep." She replied smoothly, grinning at me.

We were standing right at the gates of a huge amusement park.

"An amusement park. Really. I'm sore Lisa! Riding the rollercoasters isn't going to help!" I exclaimed.

She smirked.

"You deserved it. Now stop complaining and let's have some fun!" Lisa said cheerfully and pulled me along with her.

Aishh what have you gotten yourself into Jennie Kim.




A series of screams can be heard from the massive rails of the rollercoaster ride infront of us.

"No. Damn. Way. Manoban." I said seriously.

"Yes. Damn. Way. Kim." She replied in the same manner as me grinning slyly.

"LisaAaAaaa! I said i don't want to ride it!!!" I screamed as she dragged me towards the queue.

The queue only had 5 people in line, as compared to the rows and rows of people at the other rides. Which just proves how terrifying this ride was and how crazy we are to actually queue for it.

"Come on Jennie it will be over in a flash! Relax!" Lisa said trying to reassure me.

"No! You are crazy Manoban! I will die up there! Come on at least lets go for the other rides or play the booth games!" I reasoned but this woman infront of me was stubborn as heck.

"No come on nini the other rides have such long queues let's just give this one a shot." She said frowning.

I huffed in exasperation. There was no way im getting on that ride.

Then an idea popped up in my mind.

I walked closer to her slowly, wrapping my arms around her neck.

Her eyes widened at my act probably confused at my sudden behaviour.

I smirked at the back of my mind.

"But i don't want to ride the rollercoaster Lisa........"
I said seductively, pulling her towards me and sucking her earlobe.

She shivered.

"......i prefer riding you." I finished the sentence huskily, nibbling her earlobe.

Lisa pulled me apart and stared at me.


She was looking at me with an aroused expression on her face.

"L-Let's go! I t-think this ride isn't that interesting after all." She stuttered, pulling me away from the queue and dragging me to an isolated toilet.

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