29: missing you

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Synopsis: Mina and Taehyung used to date back in college, their relationship built mostly on sex. After meeting Jennie in his new job, Taehyung breaks up with Mina to get together with Jennie as he found her more attractive. After months of dating, Taehyung realizes that Jennie is very unlike Mina and is very conservative about sex. Frustrated, he ends up getting in contact again with his ex-girlfriend Mina.

Mina who comes from an abusive family and all her life has never known true love, thinks that sex is the only reason why people get together. She was ecstatic when Taehyung had start talking to her again and ever since then, they had been meeting up with each other secretly to fuel their sexual desires.

On some days where Taehyung shows up on her doorstep and was particularly aggressive, she knows that it was because Jennie had refused him again and he was left feeling extremely frustrated, but she enjoyed this violent side of him as it sparked more passion during their lustful moments in bed.


Jennie's POV

I went to visit Jisoo again today. I was walking towards the ward when i heard someone talking excitedly. As i listened against the door, i realised that it was Chaeyoung accompanying her as usual. She really cares for our Jichu huh.

I stood outside the door for awhile listening to her rant about funny things to my sleeping bestfriend.

".....so you know, there's a really nice bingsu shop down the streets where youngsters like to visit nowadays. And i went there and tried their famous strawberry shaved ice, it was amazing! I promise i will take you there when you wake up, i think you might even like it more than chicken. Anyway.. yesterday i had a sudden craving for it again, so i went to the shop and ordered a bowl for myself. Now i specifically remembered telling the ahjumma that i wanted to add more strawberries on my bingsu, i even paid extra for that. But when she served me.. there was the same amount of strawberries, and just more of the syrup! Jinjja.. this ahjumma is a scammer. But oh well.. it was still a good bowl of strawberry shaved ice. Wake up soon okay? You really need to try it with me."

I opened the door and went it, smiling slightly at the sight of an exasperated Rosé having a one-sided conversation. She reminded me of Lisa sometimes. They were both cheerful and fun people to have by your side.

"Oh.. hey! I didn't see you coming in." Chaeyoung said startled as she saw me moving towards the bed.

"Good late evening to you too. I just came here to check on Jisoo, but i guess she already had great company." I said teasing and she blushed a faint pink.

"Umm.. anway unnie, its nearing the end of year again. I suppose your company has come up with a trip already?" Chaeyoung asked obviously trying to change the topic.

I chuckled and replied, "Yeah. Actually our company had decided to bring us to the same place as last year."

"Oh! Pyeongchang? Yongpyong Ski Resort?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Yup. The company's going there this sunday till the following week." I replied casually.

"That's cool, its a great place. And they hold the spectacular christmas event there every year." She chimed in.

"Yeah.. but i don't think i'd be going.." I said uncertainly. It had been bothering me since Mr Yang announced it last week. I was still indecisive about going on the trip this year with Jisoo in this condition.

"Why not? Is there something troubling you?" Chaeyoung asked concerned.

"No nothing much. I just don't feel at ease leaving Jisoo here in Seoul while going off on the trip and having fun without her. What if something goes wrong within the week? I would be too far away to help and i'd blame myself forever. Doesn't really seem like the right thing to do, besides it wouldn't be a company trip without her and Lis- sa....." I said, surprised at myself because i had mention her unknowingly.

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