9: 3.15pm [M]

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a/n: a double update because you need it ;)
& since ill be busy the coming weeks
Jennie POV

"I can give it to you...." I whispered in her ear sexily.

I don't know what's gotten into me, but seeing Lisa so flustered in bed called out to me and i was heavily aroused. I have no idea how we didn't ever have sex because the feelings i have right now was out of this world.

I needed to get this off my system or i'll be fucking cranky for the rest of the day.

I licked her earlobe as she whimpered softly.


Fuck she's really turning me on.

My lips homed in on hers, soft and warm. Our tongues gently prodding and pushing, and i felt the world disappear.

Her hands worked their way up my body. With one hand she stroked my stomach while she cupped one of my breasts in the other. No one had ever touched me like that, and it was thrilling.

My whole body was thrumming with the sensations that pulsed through me. The cool sheets were warmed in an instant because my body was on fire.

"Uhmm.. Lisayah~" I moaned between our kisses as she started to stroke between my thighs.

Then she suddenly stopped and swapped our positions, pinning me to the bed. She was staring deep into my eyes, i could see her dark pupils burning with lust. Lisa was turned on too.

"You shouldn't have tempted me." She said with a blank expression.

"Why is that?" I asked seductively anticipating her answer even though i already knew.

I circled my arms around her neck and stared back at her awaiting her reply.

Lisa groaned.

"Because im not going to stop myself anymore. I'm going to fuck you hard, im going to make you come not just once but until im tired from fucking your tight little pussy. And you won't be able to walk later on." She growled.

And hearing her say that just made me hornier than ever, i felt something moist between my thighs, seeping down to the bedsheets.

She had made me come before we even started.

"Then do it. I'm all yours daddy." I said being bold as i spread my legs wide open for her to access.

"Fuck you really wanna get sore huh. Then you leave me with no choice." Lisa smirked slightly.

She trailed down my body, sucking on my nipple and squeezing my boob with her hands.

"Ahh..." I let out a moan as i grabbed onto Lisa's hair guiding her down towards my throbbing core.

"Please, please fuck me already daddy. I want it please." I begged even though she didn't ask me to. I couldn't stand the teasing any further and i desperately needed some release.

After hearing me beg, Lisa immediately went down between my legs and prised them open wide. She groped my butt cheeks as she ran her tongue on my slit repeatedly at a fast pace without any hesitation.

"Ah... fuck! Yes daddy harder.... ahhh!" I arched my back as i was thrown into ecstasy. The pleasure was indescribable.

Lisa continued lapping at my folds and sucking on my clit.

Still i wanted more. I needed some friction inside me.

"Daddy... uhmm... finger please.." I moaned as i grabbed onto the bedsheets waiting for the moment.

"My horny little girl is impatient i see." Lisa said smirking as she finally pushed a finger inside me.

"Ahhhhh... fuck daddy! Urhh.... yes...! It feels so good..." I screamed loudly, tightening my grip on the bedsheets as Lisa inserted another finger and slammed on my pussy without stopping.

My wetness coated her fingers making it easy for them to glide in and out of my core.

"Please harder daddy... ah! ah! don't stop... ah!" I begged again as i felt my stomach tightening, the sensation overwhelming me.

Lisa continued pounding her fingers in me as she kissed me hungrily.

I kissed her back sloppily as my lower body thrusted against her fingers and her arm moved vigorously to meet my aching pussy.

"I-I'm going to c-come, Lisa-ah!" I screamed again.
I wonder what the neighbours are thinking god damn.

"Come for me babygirl. Come for your daddy." Lisa growled huskily as she fastened her pace on my wet core.

My hips jerked and my pussy tightened as a stream of hot white liquid flowed out as Lisa slowly reduced her pace and carefully withdrew her fingers, sucking it clean.

I gasped and panted as my body went limp from the intense orgasm i just had.

As i was catching my breath, Lisa went back down to face my sex and sucked on it.

"Mmm.. hmph.. What are you doing Lisa?" I whimpered as she continued licking and swallowing my come. My clit was so sensitive and every time she poked her tongue out my body would jerk up slightly.

"I don't want to waste a single drop baby.. Besides, did you already forgot what i said earlier?" She came back up to face me with a sly smirk on her face.

Oh God don't tell me she's not yet tired?!

"I'm going to make you sore." She whispered as she turned me around on all fours.


We did it three times.

Lisa made me orgasm multiple times and when she was done fucking me i proceeded to do her.

"That... was fucking insane." Lisa breathed out as we cuddled naked on the bed.

I was snuggled to her chest inhaling her sweet scent and the smell of sex.

"I love you Lisayah.." I said sweetly.

I felt her body tense up but she quickly relaxed and replied, "I love you too Jennie Kim."

What did i ever do to deserve you... even though i can't remember you, you made me fall in love with you again. And the best thing is you're mine. Even after i wake up tomorrow and forget everything that happened today, i can still make more memories like this with you.

I looked up at and met her eyes, giving her my best gummy smile in which she returned with a goofy grin.

"We should get up baby, it's 3:15pm. We still have places to go." Lisa said.

"Can't we just stay like this for the rest of the day Lisayaa? I don't wanna get out of this position. We can always go tomorrow." I pouted cutely.

I saw a splash of worry and sadness in her eyes but she just faked a smile.

"No we have to go today. Today is the last day of the christmas event and you really want to go there remember?" She said.

"I don't." I said truthfully as we laughed.

"Arasso arasso let's go." I placed one final kiss on her lips and got up to put on my clothes. She blushed and i shook my head smiling, although something was bugging me at the back of my mind.. it's probably nothing i guess...


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