19: liar

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Lisa's POV

I came out of the shower feeling fresh and ecstatic. Jennie had known my intentions too well, im kinda glad that we didn't end up doing it in the shower, i can't control my hormones well.

I walked into our bedroom. I had decided to wear a simple and comfortable t-shirt with pants so that i can wake up early tomorrow and move back to my room without having to change.

Surprisingly Jennie didn't acknowledge my presence when i walked towards the bed. Infact she seemed to be lost in thought.

"Jennie?" I called gently, walking towards her.

She raised her head up unsteadily to look at me. I gasped as i saw tear stains on her cheeks.

"Wh- what's wrong baby?" I asked worriedly as i tried to approach her.

"Don't come near me! Get the fuck away from me!" She screamed, her eyes glazed with fresh tears.

I stopped in my tracks, my heart pounding furiously. What was happening? Did she... did she suddenly recall her memories...?

I saw her grab her clothes hurriedly and dressed up.

I didn't know what to do but watch her. I didn't know what the situation was.

She took her jacket and got ready to leave the room.

"Wa-wait baby! Please can you at least tell me what's going on?" I begged even though i was scared of finding out. I was starting to sweat despite just getting out of the shower.

She halted and stared at me with so much intensity and rage her body trembled.

"Baby? God you're disgusting. Are you seriously kidding me right now? You're asking me what's going on? You know what the fuck is going on! You fucking liar, bitch! I trusted you! We even fucking had sex, not just once mind you, but thrice! I found out everything from Jisoo. Were you planning to keep this act the whole day? So tomorrow when i wake up i have no recollection whatsoever that any of these happened? Was that what you hoped? Do you know how dirty i feel right now being so intimate with an acquaintance? I found a contact on my phone whom i thought to be you but it isn't. Tell me i have a boyfriend don't i? You're not my girlfriend, you're just a fucking creepy colleague who took advantage of me! How could you tell such a lie? Did you not feel guilty everytime you touched me? YOU'RE SO FUCKING SICK AND I CAN'T BELIEVE I THOUGHT I LOVED YOU." Jennie spat, clenching her fists so tight her knuckles shone white. Her tears was streaming down her face and i was stunned.

I didn't know how to react. My body couldn't- or wouldn't move. My tongue betrayed me and refused to let me utter a single word. All i could think of was that i had fucked up terribly.

Jennie saw my immobile state and shook her head in disgust, making her way out hurriedly and slamming the door behind her. I heard a sob before she left.

I crumbled to the ground as soon as i was alone in the hotel room. I should be chasing after her now and explaining to her the whole story. But a part of me agreed with what she said. I was just a fucking perverted colleague who took advantage of her. What right did i have to make her mine? A person like me could never deserve her not even in a thousand years. What was i thinking when i went to make that wish?

I leaned my back against the bed and cried. I had never loved anyone this hard my entire life. It hurt me so much to see her broken, to know that i was the one who caused her to feel that way. It felt like a knife was dragging across my heart, cutting me open and spilling everything that kept me alive.


I looked up in shock as i heard a familiar voice shout outside the room.

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