28: lust/love [M](T)

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Jennie's POV

"So due to popular demands... and the overwhelming reception we received from last year.. our company has decided to hold another trip to Pyeongchang! This year we will be spending a whole week at the ski resort, as a thank you to all our amazing workers. I want to take this opportunity to commend everyone for your excellent performance, it would not have been possible without each of you. Our company has made collaborations with many great shareholders and the future of this firm is very bright. So thank you all! I hope that we'll all have a blast at the trip and to many more years of working together!" Mr Yang announced and everyone in the office cheered and applauded.

I tried to feel excited when i heard the news but i just couldn't. I was worried about Jisoo, i don't think i could go to the trip in peace and not visit her at the hospital for a week.

"Babe, you okay?" Taehyung asked as he grabbed my waist softly. I looked over to him and nodded.

"Aren't you excited? I mean.. you've been wanting to go to the christmas event since forever! You kept bugging me about it and especially when i couldn't accompany you there last year. We can finally go there and have the whole week to ourselves." He said.

I forced out a smile and he smiled back at me, patting my head before leaving to join his friends for lunchbreak.

"I must be going crazy..." I muttered to myself. I knew that i went to the ski resort last year and i didn't have a chance to visit the annual christmas event and yet.. i have this feeling that ive been to it. With someone. But how is that possible? Tae wasn't there with me and Jisoo was hanging out with Seulgi and Irene. The rest of my colleagues were out in their own groups as well. I couldn't have just went there with a random stranger right? And why do i have no recollection of anything? Ugh i really hate thinking about this.

I sighed and went to lunch by myself, i felt like eating alone today.

After work.

Taehyung dropped me off at my doorstep and i greeted him goodbye. As i fumble for my keys to my apartment and went inside i was surprised as he had followed me in and shut the door.

"Yah! You scared me." I shrieked. "What are you doing?"

"What? Can't i be under the same roof as my fiancee?" Taehyung asked smirking, emphasizing on the term as i rolled my eyes.

"Whatever im too tired to entertain you today Tae, im gonna go take a shower." I said dismissively as i took off my shoes and walked across the living room to the toilet, dropping my keys on the table and placing my Chanel handbag beside it.

"I wanna join." Taehyung said removing his shoes as well and following me.

"Yah. Yah. What do you think you're doing. I said im not in the mood to entertain you today let me take a bath in peace." I chided, pushing him away so that i can close the bathroom door.

"What is my jenjen shy? We're gonna get married soon and im gonna see those sooner or later." Taehyung said squinting his eyes at my chest and bumping his eyebrows up and down, laughing.

"YAH WATCH WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT." I shouted blushing furiously and covering my chest. Taehyung took this opportunity to squeeze in the gap and slam the bathroom door shut.

"Kim Taehyung." I said my voice steely as i took a step back.

"Come on Jen. We've been dating for what three years and we've never done it once. Heck we've never even made out like normal couples do! And now we're already engaged, i have all the rights to claim what's mine." Taehyung said approaching me.

"Stop it Tae." I said as i continued stepping back.

"Come on babe, just this once before we get married. There's no difference anyway." He said as he edged closer relentlessly.

"And i said no, i want to wait until marriage Tae! Why can't you understand? This is something important to me, i don't want to lose my virginity just like that. I want it to be special, on the night with the person i love most after we exchange our vows to be together forever. Can you not respect me and my decision?" I said angrily, staring at him.

Taehyung stared back at me and it seemed like he was trying to absorb what ive said. After awhile he closed his eyes and clenched his fist, breathing in and out steadily before opening them and sighed deeply. "I'm sorry Jennie. I-It's just- ugh. I'm sorry for acting this way. I respect you very much, i hope you know that. I'm sorry for being a jerk. I swear i love you so much." He said and hung his head low.

My anger faded slightly as i walked slowly towards him. I lifted his chin with my hands and brushed his face. "Thank you for not forcing me. I know its hard for you especially because you're a guy and its just in your nature to seek for some sort of release. I don't blame you, but i hope that we can wait till the time is right." I said gently.

He nodded, hugging me and we just stood there silently embracing each other in my bathroom.


Unknown's POV

Ding dong...

"Oh hey i didn't expect you toda- "

My words were cut short as soon as i opened the gate and got slammed against the wall, a pair of lips roughly kissing and biting mine.

"Mmhmm.." I moaned, letting the familiar pair of hands wander around my body. I knew the reason behind this aggressiveness and i was here for it.

"Come on baby close the front door and we can continue it in my bedroom..." I said huskily and my obedient puppy took no time to shut it, lifting me off my feet and bringing me to my bedroom.

"Ahh.. ahh... ahh!" I screamed in pleasure as i felt my core being ravaged repeatedly. I spread my legs wider and dug my nails into his back roughly while he continued pounding faster.

The bed creaked as we thrashed wildly letting out moans and screams, the sounds of skins slapping against each other filled the room.

"Urggh... s-so good..!" He grunted as he jerked his hips violently, releasing his load inside my hot sex. I groaned as it was quickly pulled out of me and i stared lustfully at my lover as he pumped his hard cock onto me, cum landing on my body and face. I wiped it off and put it in my mouth swallowing it down my throat.

"Mmm.. you always taste so good baby. I want some more..." I moaned, massaging my wet folds with one hand and my breast in the other.

"Fuck.. you're a real bitch aren't you?" He groaned as he watched me play with myself, teasing him.

"Yes, im your bitch! I'm such a dirty whore for you baby, don't you dare stop fucking me!" I commanded as i got up and grabbed his moist cock jerking it fast with my right hand.

"Urh... urhgh..." He groaned and held onto me as i increased my pace pumping on his dick, making it harder than before. Then i took it and slid it in my pussy again, waves of pleasure coursing through my body as i rode on it. My stomach clenched and I felt him tense up, my sex was filled up with semen again along with my own come, overflowing and seeping down my thighs.

I laid down on the bed carefully. "D-Don't stop. Just g-go slower but don't stop." I said as i wanted to prolong the feeling of absolute pleasure between my legs. He nodded and groaned as he push and pulled his slick cock inside me leisurely. I moaned softly rubbing my clit to maximise the pleasure. After the feeling was too intense for us to handle he stopped and i sighed contentedly, pulling him down and shifting our positions so that i can lie on him with his penis still inside me.

"Satisfied?" I asked giggling.

"Hell... yes. Thank you always babe."


a/n: im thinking if my next book should be g!p lol

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