42: girlfriend?

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Lisa's POV

Today i went back home to pack all my things to shift to Jennie's apartment. She had insisted to follow but i made her wait for me at her place. There were a few things i had to do today and I had planned to surprise her with a dinner at a garden later.

I took my last shower at my apartment and changed into a formal wear. After settling the documents for my apartment, i heaved my suitcases into the back of my trunk, along with the other furnitures and ornaments i couldn't live without. Then i got into the car and drove to Chaeyoung's house, it has been a long time since i visited her at her place, especially after jennie and her dating jisoo. I made sure to make plans with her in advance so that i would not walk into any scarring event when i enter her house and it will just be the both of us for company today.

I didn't bother knocking the door as i knew where she kept her spare keys, they were under a certain blue flowerpot outside her house. There was once i got kicked out of my old apartment which coincidentally happened to be the one in Thailand where i set the sink on fire, and i reminisced it to Jennie a year ago that night at the hotel. The landlord had ungraciously threw my belongings out of the building and i was forced to move out. After that, i had nowhere to go so for a period of time i stayed over at Rosé's place and thus she decided to forge an extra key for me to enter the house. When i found a new apartment, she just hid the keys underneath one of her many flowerpots and told me where it was so if i ever had to come over i could, anytime. It was one of our friendship things.

As i sank the key into the keyhole and got in, i immediately hear my bestfriend's lamenting on the phone coming from the kitchen. She was always complaining about the tiniest of things, i am glad Jisoo took over my place of having to listen to each and every one of them.

".....and that- that rude little girl at the store even dared to stick her tongue out at me! I wonder if her parents even taught her any manners she was so–– " Rosé said frustratedly, her left hand holding her phone and her right arm gesturing frustratedly to the air as she paced around the counter.

"Ahem." I coughed a little to make my presence known.

Rosé let out a small gasp of shock and jumped from the sudden intrusion but then recovered and went back to the phone. "I'll call you later, Lisa's here. I love you baby bye!"

After she hung up, she immediately went over to the fridge and pulled out a bowl of salad. "Yah shouldn't you give a little heads up text to say you're here?"

I chuckled and reached over the counter to steal her fork, plopping myself down on the high stool and pushing a few crunchy leaves down my throat. "Why scared i'll catch you doing something indecent or..... sinful?"

Chaeyoung huffed exasperatedly and rolled her eyes. "Excuse me? I am a civilized young lady, unlike you. God who knows what kind of sins you commit, bless you. And don't touch my salad, who said you could eat my food!"

I laughed and hand over the fork back to her. It was nasty anyway, greens weren't my thing i preferred eating fast food, i only did that to annoy my bestfriend. Rosé absorbs herself into her bowl and does a little dance like she always do when she eats something delicious.

We spent the rest of the afternoon debating on unimportant subjects, watching movies and snacking before i had to leave to make reservations for tonight. I bid farewell to Chaeyoung and even said bye to her pet fish Joohwang and the newer one called Dalgom which she told me Jisoo had named.

Then i drove down to the restaurant that i'll be coming to later with Jennie.

"Hello, i am Ms Manoban, i called to make a reservation yesterday to book the entire restaurant from 8pm onwards today." I said to the friendly looking receptionist.

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