Chapter one

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Hi guys this is my first story so please comment and vote. Hope you enjoy,

Lucy x

P.s the spacing went a bit weird on some devices

P.p.s this is unedited sorry

Zoe's POV

My eyelids flutter slowly open as my phone starts yelling along with Alex. I sigh rubbing my eyes.

"What's up Al" I ask as my best friend shrieks across the room.

"5...5...5 SOS" she pretends to faint.

"When did you get so dramatic?" I laugh pouring myself a glass of juice.

"When they started coming to england" she half screams in my ear. I unattractively spit out my juice and join her in hyperventalating.

Quickly I open a new tab on my phone and check my Facebook, I look at all the 5sos spam reading through it and let out a little gasp as I examine a picture of them in London"


"Shut up Freya's awake you know" Alex pulls her daughter close. Freya was an

unfortunate accident about a year ago and Alex never even tried to find out who her dad

was. Since the birth of her little girl she been single, stressed and living with me.

"I'm gonna go and take a shower" I declare even though no one cares.

"Well thanks for telling me" she yells back her voice laced with sarcasm.

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"We're going to meet them, we're going to meet them" Alex sang doing the conga around the house.

"I don't know if squeezing ourself into a large crowd counts" I chuckle joining in her dance.

"Mama" a confused Freya whines jogging to keep up with us.

"Yes babe"

"What you do?" She asked as I burst into fits of laughter and Alex gives me a look.

"Dancing" she says holding her head up high in the snootiest voice she can muster, I really don't think she was ever cut out to be a mother.

" Alex if you want to drop her off at your Mums and still be early we better go now" I say checking my watch.

"Hey does Dan know that we're out tonight" Alex refers to my boyfriend.

"Uh huh" I nod quickly texting him.

Me and Alex r going out 2night

I send the message tensing slightly as my phone buzzes with an answer.

Whatever babe hope you have a great anniversary

I wince today was our one year anniversary.

"What's up?" Alex smiles softly, which is unusual for such a crazy person.

"This time last year was our first date" I say looking down as she wrinkle her nose.

"That sucks" she says I let out a light laugh.

"Sucks that I'm missing it or sucks that it's been a year"

"Sucks that your missing it" she comes up to me pulling me into a hug.

"Okay let's go meet 5SOS" I sniffle.

"Are you sure zo?" she releases me.

"Yeah, yeah I am" I fake a smile.

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Alex screams along with all the other mad fans.

All that separates us and the boys is a bending plastic barrier.

I pull out my phone ready to take a picture, someone shoves my elbow and phone flies over the barrier.

I look at it and consider my options quickly grab it before the boys come or just let it go.

There's really only one option.

"Be back in a sec Al"

"Where are you going?"

"To get my baby" I reply.

In my mind I would gracefully slide over the barrier subtle grab my phone and athletically jump back into the crowd surrounded by the cheers of on lookers.

Instead I clambered over the barrier in a clumsy fashion before landing flat on face and just laying there groaning for about a minute.

Finally I crawl towards my phone just before a foot lands on it. I look up only to see the 5sos boys and a handful of security coming straight towards me.

I freeze my body is absolutely paralysed.

"Hi" I mumble.

"Hi" I deep Australian voice chuckles.

"You gonna get up" the voice laughs again.

"No" I squeak. My bum still pointing in the air and my hands holding my phone to my chest.

So What did you guys think shall I continue or not? I promise it gets better and everything gets more exciting. I'll try and update tomorrow x

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