Chapter 25

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Dans POV

"Hey baby" I say through the phone to Georgia.

"Do you want to make some money?" I continue.

"Yeah of course I do" she says in a duh! tone.

"Well let's just say we're going to take a little trip to the press" I smirk.


Zoe's POV

I continue to run after Luke.

The streets straight so there's only one way he can really go.

Just as I catch sight of him over the crowd surrounding him I let out a groan.

It feels as if there's a giant bruise along the under-left side of my belly.

I hold onto my large bump which kills.

I start to reech.

People start to turn from Luke to me as vomit slips out of my mouth.

"Ewww" a few people moan.

I put all my effort into lifting my head up.

Luke must've left before...before...


Luke's POV

I know what Zoe did wasn't THAT bad yet it feels as though she's betrayed me.

I just need tonight to cool off a bit.

Maybe just stay at the hotel with Michael, since the other boys are staying there now.

Ashton's staying at Sophie's and Calum's at Zoe and Alex's.

None of us even thought about Michael.

I put my hand out hauling a taxi.

I give the driver the address.

I knock on the door-no reply.


Micheal a POV

Aurelia's coming around tonight.

I'm kind of glad the boys left the hotel because, aside from tours I've spent most my time with her.

We met in Australia she lived just around the corner from me.

On our long tours we've managed to organise plan tickets as I hate being away from her.

There's a knock on the door.

I open it, there she is.

Her straight turquoise hair reaches just below her bum.

She's dressed in a simple black vest top with skinny jeans and a denim jacket.

"You're so pretty" I mummer.

"You know what today is?" She smiles.

"How could I forget?" I beam back.

"Our fourth year anniversary" we say in unison.

"Hey Michael do you mind if I..." Luke trails off entering the room as Aurelia's twirls her engagement ring around her finger.

Don't ask-if you don't know (wth happened in this chapter) let me go oh oh.

Okay I need to stop (so close to making a don't stop pun but it was a little out of my limit)

Lucy x

English Love Affair//Luke hemmings//5sosWhere stories live. Discover now