Chapter 40

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This picture is of Zoe

Sucking your blood till your heart stops beating - daylight

I'll put pictures of Alex, and Cara up on the next two chapters.

The Ed Sheeran concert was just amazing.

Lucy x

Alex's POV

A tear slides down my cheek as I hold my of thirteen hours ago baby girl.

I endured a 21 hour labour.

But she's beautiful.

"What are you going to call her mummy?" Freya asks.

"Maybe Florissa" I suggest.

Zoe laughs softly.

"You love the F names huh?"

"Yeah" I reply a permanent smile glued to my face.

"What about Calum?" Zoe ventures.

"Did he go through labour? No did think so"

Zoe laughs again.

"Where is Calum anyway"

"He says he's about half an hour away"

I grin cheesily.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"We didn't - don't want anyone to know" I sigh.

"He may've said he's half an hour but I can see him in reception" Zoe peers out the window"


Calum's POV

As I open the door I see Alex's face light up.

This is going to be hard.

I love her just not in that way.

"Hey Cal d'you wanna see the baby"

I don't know if I can do this to her.

"Yeah sure" I sit down next to her.

She hands it over to me.

It's amazing, this baby has part of me inside it.

It looks kind of Asian which is weird...

"I think we should talk Cal" Alex says seriously.

Maybe she doesn't want to stay together either.

"Zoe will you take Florissa and Freya" Zoe does as she says.

"Florissa?" I question not sure about the name.

"Yeah" she shrugs.

I can't really question her name choice when I'm about to break up with her.

Or maybe she'll break up with me then I can demand I say in the baby's name.

"We're are we going?" She asks after Zoe left.

"Err...nowhere you look quite tired-" I start.

"No, I mean us - relationship wise"

"Well where do you want us to go?"

"Up the aisle"

I look at her startled as she looks deeply into her eyes.

"I don't" I stutter meaning to say more.

I watch as her body deflates.

"How much longer do you want me to wait?" She sighs.

"Al I don't know how to put this but I don't want you to wait"


"I don't want you" I slap a hand to my head realising just how bad that sounded.

"I didn't mean that I want you as a friend" I continue.

"A friend?" She looks gobsmacked.

"I'm sorry Al, I seriously do want to remain friends"

"They were right all of them, I can't keep a guy"

"Don't try and guilt trick me into this" I warn.

"When I do I always pick the wrong ones"

"Hang on a seco-"

"Ones that are to much of a coward for commitment" she rambles.

I stand up.

"I didn't want to do this but I'm going, call me when you grow up and we can talk about this like adults, parents"

I storm out.

I see the two children left alone outside.

I pick up Florissa and hold Freya's hand not wanting to leave them alone.

"Where's Zoe?" I ask Freya.

"She started crying, and then she got really really sweaty and started cuddling her belly and then a lady came and took her away" Freya states happily, almost proud she'd remembered it all.

"Freya I need you to go back to mummy, say I have Florissa and I've gone to see Zoe, tell her what you saw" okay I nod.


Midwife POV

"We'll have to induce her"

"We can't that'll mean-"

"There's no way out of it" I cut across.

"There's no time for a C-Section, it's 2 lives or one" a fellow nurse supports.

"There's absolutely nothing to be done for her, I'm sorry but we have a baby to save"

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