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Please check out my other fanfic 'marry me Michael'.
The sequel will be up November/December time.
2k wow love you guys.
P.S comment you're fanfics and I'll try and read as many as I can.
Lucy x
1 year later
Caras POV
"Are you sure you need all this?" Luke asks.

"Yes" I kiss him lightly on the lips.

He drops the box of my stuff.

"I love you" he smiles deeping the kiss.

I pull away.

"Now let's move me into your house" I grin.
Pulling him by the hand I drag him through the house.

"Mummy " Diana whines toddling up to me.

Poppy limps after her.

"Hug" she demands.

Luke sweeps poppy up in his arms whilst I carry Diana.

I kiss the top of her head.

"Okay, now be good." I insist lowering her.

"When you going back to work" Luke asks shifting poppy onto his hip.

"Next week" i groan.

"Can you drop the girls off at mums for the week?" He asks.

"Yeah sure" I nod.

"It's your last week be happy" he demands.

"I am" I beam.


"Never been happier"

Michaels POV
"Hey baby" I mumble in her ear.

"Gooooo away" Aurelia groans groggily hitting me with a pillow.

"I made you breakfast" I say laughing as she shoots up.

"You know, you don't have to make me breakfast" she mumbles through mouthfuls.

"I want to make my new wife breakfast" I beam.

"It's a honeymoon, you're supposed to relax" she kisses my lips.

"I am" I murmur throughout the kiss.

"I love you" she giggles.

"Love you too"
Ashton's POV
Today's the day.

I turn the radio on and call Soph into the room.

"Hey I love this song" her eyes widen.

"I know, you keep saying" I smile.

She sings around the lounge to the song giggling the whole time.

As the song nears the ends a radio presenter starts speaking.

'Now we have a very special message from a certain celebrity to his girlfriend'

I turn on the phone as I bend down on one knee.

"Sophie Elizabeth Keeble will you do me the honour of becoming my wife"

My voice echoes through the radio.

She just stands there shocked for a moment.

"Soph?" I ask uncertainly.

"YES" she screams jumping into a hug.

I lift her up and spin her round repeatedly.

Ignoring the radio presenters congratulations we kiss.

I swear this has been the best five minutes of my life.
Calum's POV

I hold Flo tight in my arms.

"Put me down daddy" she complains.

"You have to say goodbye to Mummy" I say.

"I don't want to" she exclaims.


"I don't like mummy anymore" she frowns.

"You don't mean that"

"I do, she says I can't talk about you and she always looks after me"

"Well isn't it good that she always looks after you" I ask.

"No she doesn't like you seeing me"

"You talk a lot for a one year old" I chuckle.

"Down" she demands as I let her go watching her toddle off.

"I didn't say that by the way" Alex coughs.

"Don't worry about it"

"I better go I'm meeting Dan in a bit"

"Dan as in Zoe's Ex"

"Yeah, Dan as in my new boyfriend"

"Oh well good for you" I smile.

And I knew that I really meant it.

That's it the end :0
Thanks for reading
Lucy x

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